New Friends

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As I paced nervously in our spot, I couldn't help but think about all the things that could go wrong, They could figure out the truth!, or, what if they just don't like me?

I remember Lance said, that if I was good enough for him, that I was good enough for them too.

I tried my best to be presentable, instead of an awkward 13 year old, sexually confused boy, but that seemed an impossible feat to accomplish, so I just tied my shaggy black hair back as much as I could and tried to smile, for once.

I heard some footsteps and sounds of laughter, and I swivelled my head round and some them approching. I quickly ducked behind a tree being too nervous to actually meet them.

Then the laughter died down, and I could hear what they were saying,

"C'mon, why do you even hang out with him mate?"

I heard someone say, and then, a hum of agreement.

"Guys, cool it, he's... really great. Trust me on this!"

"Fine, long as he's not as nerdy as you!" I heard a familiar voice say, then came the laughs.

"Nerdy? I think you mean charming!" I heard Lance say, as I pictures his signature smirk.

I poked my head out and Froze like a dear in head-lights, I knew who they were...

Flashback, 9 y/o keith

"KEITH!, you are nothing!, No wonder don't have any friends, you half-blood.

"what?, I-I, don't call me that." I managed to mumble out the last part, the instantly regretted it,

"Yeah well, we can't have some-one like you going around thinking, its ok to to even exist. We're still gonna have to teach you a lesson"

They then pushed me harshly Against the wall, which winded me, then they surrounded me, then...

Flashback over

I remember their name's Lotor (or as I like to call him L'Oréal), and...


He was my, tormentor, my bully. He thought, for some reason that I thought, that I was better than him, Which I don't (well I do now), but Lotor, he was only there once.

He was my only friend until then, he left when he found out James didn't like him, and he left me because I was the only thing holding him back from having a life.

After that, I didn't ever try to make any more friends, I just couldn't shake the feeling that it would happen again.

"Hey, Lance? Where is this 'Mystery boy'?" I presume James asked

"Umm..." he answered

They kept talking, but I couldn't hear them. I was too distracted trying to not get seen and steady my breathing.

I notice, the talking had stopped, I poked my head out and saw it was only Lance there, waiting with a sorrow-full expression on his face.

I stepped out a little bit and said,

"Did they leave?"

"Yeah..." Lance said with a confused look in his eyes.

"Why did you hide?" He asked looking really upset,

"Because... I know them."

"oh, you do!" He exclaimed looking really delighted

"Yes, but not in the way you think I might."

"In what way then?" He asked doing the adorable head tilt he always does when he's confused about someone

"In the past, they were... not the nicest to me."

"Oh..., Keith I'm so sorry I had no idea!"

"It's fine, I'm just surprised you get on with them so well." I stated

"About that.., They're really nice to me which is confuddling, but can be so mean to other people, but they're the only people who talk to me" (beside's you, obvs! )

"I think, you should dump them, and make better friends!" I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, which it wasn't apperently, for Lance

"Keith, it's not that easy. People are pretty much scared of me, because I'm friends with them."

"Lance just... Promise me you'll try, at least, I, don't want you hanging out with them."

"Of course, anything for my pookie!" That was his nickname for me, because he thought I was a pouty cookie? I'm not sure what it means but I love it!

OK! my offical 2nd chapter!, hope you liked it👍, and thank you guys for 8 reads! that is waaaayyy more than I anticiapated.

till next time

till next time

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