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I'm not sure how long it's been, but I know it's been long enough to probably make Lance hate me forever.

I could no longer see, or hear him. I couldn't even remember what I sounded like, or looked like!

I'm pretty sure the only thing that kept me sane, was remembering him, everything about him, his gorgeous, blue compelling eyes, and the way when he looked at me, I-I could explode.

I bet when he looks at me now, it's filled with hate instead, and instead of seeing me, he sees whatever I've become.

I can't help but think, Allura had something to do with this, the last thing I vaguely remember, is  her towering over me, menacingly, and then... Her, her eyes went glowy, and... SHE USED A SPELL.

I remember while talking with Coran, he let it slip that they were necromancers, but right after, he looked around anxiously, and then weirdly changed the topic.

I know what she did.

Allura ~

I don't know why I didn't do this sooner! 

Taking Keith's body, is the same use of my abilities, as if I were bring someone back from the dead, but my powers reversed, and instead trapping them inside their minds, but, after all I was doing it for love!

I just had to show Lance that, Keith didn't love him, I did, and I was the one for him.

I'm so glad I has Coran to help me, without him I wouldn't even have ever been able to meet my father, King of Arus!

But, recently, ever since I had told him what I had planned to do, or whenever I try to talk about my father, he would act weird, and distant.

I know Coran and my father, were very close when they were younger, but lost contact as they got older, I was convinced that they had an argument, that defines their relationship, but Coran never told me anything, but I knew he supported me however.

I think that everything I've done so far is working! Whenever Lance and Keith are in the same room together, Lance will look away sheepishly, and sad, not knowing what to do, and keith will just glare at him.

So much for them being in love!


I-I, don't know what went wrong! I went in there, and...

I was in the middle of apologising, when Keith held his hand up, "Well, of course you should be sorry, you're a terrible boyfriend, at this point, I don't even know why I bother to put up with you, you and your endless baggage, really if you did end up with Allura, I would feel sorry. For her. you're pathetic."

Keith hates me! But I didn't even do flipping nothing! What's his problem?!, Sure I've made a few mistakes in our relationship, but at least I'm trying!

He hasn't been so perfect himself, ya know what, if he doesn't..., doesn't want me anymore, I'm gonna try my luck with Allura.

I suddenly started crying, and couldn't stop, I marched back into his tent in the spur of the moment, filled with only anger and resentment, and I yelled,

"you know what keith, You're pathetic! and I'm over us!, I-I hate you, you should go find someone who cares about you, because I don't!"



I could hear muffled out speech, that kept appearing, then fading out. I'm not sure if it's me just going insane, but I swear I could hear, Lance!

I wanted to scream, but it was like my head was underwater. No-one could hear me scream, me included. 

I just, I couldn't take it anymore! 

I tried to focus, on Lance and everything I needed to do if I wanted to escape. I blacked out momentarily, but before I could process whatever had happened, I was back.

I stumbled out my tent, into what looked like sunset, my vision started to blur, and I was absolutely starving.

I started to look for Lance, which wasn't easy because my voice was shrill and fading as-well, I could only hope that he didn't totally despise me.

I fell across Lance, and Allura... Kissing, as much as it pained me I didn't have time for that.

"Lance, I-" 

"Stop Keith, whatever you have to say, is worthless to me, like, you." He very clearly stated.

I didn't know how I had managed to fuck it up this time, but it was enough for me to succumb to the weakness slowly taking over my body.

"Keith!" was the last thing I heard before the darkness took over.


I quickly dried my eyes when leaving Keith's tent, and made my way to Allura. I just wanted to find someone who would understand my trouble.

I walked into her tent and found her, reading in her silk robe on her bed, I remember making her that when she arrived, and we both hit it off.

Her eyes wandered up and met mine, she smiled and patted a seat next to her bed invitingly,

"Lonce!," she said with her ever glowing smile on her perfect features, "Why have you visited me?"

"I just, I think I broke up with Keith!" I exclaimed.

Her eyes, slightly widened, and she was holding back a smile, but I wasn't facing her, so i couldn't notice.

"Oh, why?" She questioned.

"He's just, been a huge prick, and been making me feel terrible about myself, and, and... I just can't take it anymore!" I said as I buried my face inside my hands.

She lifted my face up, "Well, I won't ever treat you like that." She said reassuringly.

"The next thing I knew we were leaning in, and I was kissing her, but...  it didn't feel right, it didn't feel like Keith."

I was about to pull away when keith stumbled into the tent, he looked tired, and sounded terrible, but I didn't want to listen to anything he had to say.

"Stop Keith, whatever you have to say, is worthless to me, like, you." I said coldly.

His face dropped for a second, then he blacked out.

"Keith!" I yelled

I looked to Allura for help, but she wasn't there, she left, and I just knew she had something to do with this.

OKKK, sorry, here it is just a bit past scheduled, and sorry for the last chapter, well 'venting' I just, had a lot a baggage I needed ot let out, but I'm a-ok now tho! 👍

Btw, my play went awesome!

till next time

till next time

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