cruel summer ★ taylor swift

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two | 1x01

"MOM! THEO'S STILL IN THE bathroom, we're gonna be late!"

Marie stood in the kitchen with her husband Eddie, packing breakfast for their road trip. They shared a look as their eldest daughter aggressively knocked on her brother's bathroom door.

"She seems extra excited this year."

"She's always excited." Marie shook her head with a small laugh.

"Yeah, but this year she's acting like she's had one too many of those cherry smoothies. This is a full-blown sugar rush."

"Caffeine rush Dad," replied Rory as she bounded down the stairs, a braid down her back in her brunette hair and her glasses perched on her head.

She joined them in the kitchen, "A sugar rush would just not suffice."

"Please tell me you slept last night?" Her father asked rounding the island in the middle of the kitchen as she set her backpack and duffle bag on the floor by her feet.

The suitcases were already in the car; they would just have to carry out the boxes of food and their personal bags.

"Sleep is for the weak." she joked, handing her father her bottle, and he just sighed and went over to the charged lemonade he had grabbed for them last night.

Her water bottle was in her bag, and she turned to the kitchen counter to refill her travel coffee mug.

Theo entered the kitchen behind her, his hair a mess, and his shirt rumpled. He pointed at his older sister, "You are insane."

He then turned to their parents, "Your daughter is insane."

"Hey!" her dad exclaimed, immediately taking her side as the boy grabbed coffee.

Eddie pulled his daughter in for a side hug and she matched the grin he wore, "I think you mean intense."

She pushed her dad away as he doubled over laughing like he had just cracked the most hilarious joke in the world.

Marie rolled her eyes at her husband's childish antics before grabbing a Costco box and her handbag.

"Alright okay, say goodbye to your dad, we need to get on the road now to avoid the morning traffic." She said, walking over to her husband and giving him a quick kiss.

Both of the Cooper siblings made a face as they pushed past their parents.

"Gross." the youngest of them had muttered, which got him a small thump upside his head by his mother.

Marie stayed back for a second, discussing something with Edmund, with serious looks and low voices, however none of the teenagers happened to pay attention.

They left their house, each carrying multiple items as they banded over to Rory's car.

They put away the last of their things, said goodbye to their father, and got into the same seats they had been driving over to Cousins in for the past two years.

Rory took the driver's seat, Theo in the passenger seat next to her and Marie got in the back with some of the stuff.

The Coopers tend to over-pack.

Rory pulled her glasses down, her vision becoming slightly clearer as she tapped the steering wheels, her excitement starting to bubble over.

She pulled out into their street and waved their dad one last goodbye. It had always been like this, the husbands would stay home while the mothers and the kids spent the majority of the summer on their own, just like they preferred it.

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