fool ★ frankie cosmos

140 5 3

three | 1x01

RORY AND CONRAD PULLED AWAY, but the taller boy still kept an arm around her as Steven got their attention.

"Hey, hey, guys, guys." He started, holding up his wrist, repeatedly hitting Theo's chest in excitement, "I mean, I-I don't know about you, but I...Well, I-I think it's time for a... For a.."

"Belly Flop!" exclaimed him and Jeremiah and Rory sprung into action.

"Belly behind me quick!" Rory shouted as she left Conrad's side and pushed the girl behind her, holding her in place as the rest of the boys tried to corner her.

She held her hand out as she pushed the girl further behind her like she was saving her from wild animals.

"Come on Roro." Said Jere, "It's tradition."

"Doesn't have to be!" announced Belly from behind her, clutching onto the older girls arm.

"Rory, come on." started Conrad as the boys stood straight and let him approach the girls. "Is this really smart? I know your weaknesses."

He held his hands up, and her eyes widened. He wouldn't. Would he?

"Come on Con!" Belly begged, "Be on our side for once."

"Sorry Bells but this was never a fair fight." He spoke in a sullen tone, like he really was regretful but that hint of boyish mischief in his eye told Rory a different story.

He came closer and the older girl turned to face the youngest Conklin.

"Belly I'm sorry."

"No, Arie!"

Before the two could act, Conrad grabbed Rory from behind and tickled her, making her squirm against him as the rest of the boys caught Belly as she tried to run away from them.
"Stop! Stop!"

Conrad stopped, but he still had his arms around her and she looked up at his smirk, her smile faltering.


"You know, since you both love to partner up, maybe you should join her."

"Con, dude come on." She tried to pull away, but he just tightened his hold and after a few seconds of struggling she gave up. Conrad watched the others pick up Belly and he looked back down to Rory.

"Where is your phone?"

"In the car."


"Also in the car," she answered dejectedly, causing him to grin.

"Good." In a matter of seconds, Conrad let her go, stood in front of her, crouched slightly, and hoisted her onto his shoulder like she weighed less than a feather.

"No! No!" Rory hit Conrad's back, but he laughed as he joined Jeremiah, Theo, and Steven by the pool.

The mothers watched them walk to the backyard with large smiles, and they headed inside, arm in arm.

"Right here, man!"

The boys swung Belly a few times, chanting "Belly Flop!" before Steven looked up at Conrad and coordinated their throws.


The rest of the boys swung Belly into the pull, and Rory was dumped off Conrad's shoulder, falling into the pool on her back, immediately consumed by the chlorine-infested water.

Rory could hear muffled cheering as she and Belly swam over to each other before breaking the surface.

"I fucking hate you assholes!"

holy ground ★ conrad fisher (1)Where stories live. Discover now