somethin' stupid ★ nancy sinatra, frank sinatra

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TRIGGER WARNING - this chapter contains mentions of alcohol and alcohol consumption, as well as descriptions of violence.

i just wanted to add that for the reynolds siblings i imagine sabrina carpenter for sophie and rudy pankow for chase. however, you are free to assume any actor or actress you prefer. enjoy and thank you for reading!!


seven | 1x01

IT HAD BEEN ABOUT HALF an hour since Belly and Rory had gotten to the party. Belly hadn't moved from her place by the water, enjoying her conversation and Rory had consumed multiple drinks in that time.

"Stop! Stop! You'll drop me!" Rory was on Chase's back, as they tried to race with Sophie who was being carried by her boyfriend.

"Just hold on!" Rory laughed, tightening her hold around Chase's neck and they continued to play around before they decided to take a break.

They had been sitting and chatting until the sound of a fight broke up all conversations.

"What's your problem, man?"

"It's one beer. It's a party. Relax."

"No, give me my beer back. I paid for this."

Rory had turned around to see who had been fighting, slurping up her drink instead, which is why when her friends spoke up, she turned around so quickly, she swore it gave her whiplash.

"Is that Conrad?" Sophie asked, and Rory immediately stood up trying to get a better look. She swayed slightly, and Chase stood up to help balance her.

"Fisher?" Rory nodded, grabbing her shoes from the sand and putting them on as quickly as possible.

"Fuck, I should go over there."

"Yeah no, let's go." Chase nodded, helping her back up and walking with her, Sophia and her boyfriend Aaron following them too.

"You're not taking my fucking beer, dude." Conrad was shouting now, and Rory quickened her pace.

"Relax, it's one beer!" The guy opposite him was the same guy from when Belly and Rory had gotten there.

"Yeah, and it's my fucking beer," Conrad argued.

"You guys!" Nicole had been attempting to pull Conrad away but it was no use. The boy wasn't listening to anyone around him.

Except when Rory called out his name.


He paused for a second and glanced behind the guy in front of him, her voice had seemed to break him out of his drunken trance.

But only for a few seconds, because then he turned back to the guy in front of him and lunged forward slightly. Rory's eyes widened.

The boy in front of Conrad was shorter, so in an attempt to have some kind of upper hand he threw the first punch, making Conrad stumble back slightly.

Rory stepped forward as well, and in her head, she accused herself of being a hypocrite. She hated when the main characters in the books she read would try to break up fights when it was obviously not going to work out.

So she attempted to keep a safe distance but she continued to call out, "Conrad, stop!"

Conrad threw a punch and the boy stumbled back holding his jaw. He raised his arm to fight back Rory was pushed forward just slightly by the growing crowd around the fight.

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