can i call you tonight ★ dayglow

71 7 0

fifteen | 1x02

RORY WAS PULLED AWAY BY Susannah the minute the kids entered the bookstore, leaving the boys to their own devices. The older woman introduced her to multiple people, talking about Rory's photography, how she had gotten into multiple colleges, and how she would be pursuing journalism.

A few people offered her business cards, which she gratefully accepted, until about thirty minutes later when her phone buzzed.

"Susannah, Chase is here." She whispered to her aunt, as they stood behind Laurel signing books.

"Okay honey, have fun tonight!" Rory pressed a kiss to Susannah's cheek and waved to Laurel before walking over to the door, running into the boys by the drinks table.

"Hey, I'm out of here." She announced, and Jeremiah groaned, Conrad downed another glass of champagne "Hey, maybe keep the alcohol consumption to a minimum tonight?"

Conrad shrugged, and Rory sighed before walking out of the bookstore. The boy watched from the window facing the street, a deep frown etched onto his face as Chase stepped out of the car, and shared a hug with Rory before they got back in the car.

About an hour passed, and the four boys were no longer able to entertain themselves anymore and were sat side by side on a couch, with slumped shoulders. Conrad sighed loudly.

"You know, this shit is so boring. Can we go somewhere?"

"Yeah. Where?"

"We could go into town," Jeremiah suggested, "I don't know, buy some weed from that guy with the Rainbow Dash tattoo?"

"Nah, he got arrested last summer," Conrad revealed and Theo sat up.

"Oh, shit. Really?"


"I liked that guy."

"Don't tell your sister we let you meet him." They laughed at Conrad's joke before they were quiet for a second and Steven smirked, "We could go to the drive-in."

"Dude, gross. No, I-I don't want to watch Belly hooking up with some kid in the back seat of a minivan." Jeremiah complained and Theo nodded.

"What about the boardwalk?" The youngest of them suggested, and Jeremiah shook his head again.

"Rory would actually murder us if we crashed their dates."

"Come on, she never stays mad at us for too long." Steven laughed, and Theo nodded, but Conrad was the one to shake his head this time.

"I'm not really interested in watching Chase fawn all over Rory."

"Alright, alright we get it dude." Theo groaned, "Let's just go to the drive-in."

"Really?" Steven asked, excitedly and Theo nodded.

"Yeah," Steven and Theo turned to Conrad, who thought about it for a second before shrugging.

"Why not?" He pulled keys out of his pockets and tossed them over to Steven. "You're driving."

They left the bookstore and got into Jeremiah's jeep. The two Fisher brothers shared the back seat, Steven got the car started and Theo sat in the passenger seat.

They joked around and laughed until they got to the drive-in, looking around for Cam's car.

"Guys..." Jeremiah started, leaning between the two front seats to look out of the windows, "I think that's his car."

"We can't park right next to it!" Conrad laughed, and Theo joined.

"Oh, who cares! Just park Steven!"

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