cigarette daydreams ★ cage the elephant

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hi guys! welcome back to holy ground. i'm currently trying to find a fc for aurora and so if anyone has any ideas i would love to hear them!! happy reading!!


eight | 1x02

RORY WOKE UP WITH A pounding in her head. It was dark so it took a second for her eyes to adjust to the lack of light.

She reached over, letting go of Belly who had her head resting on Rory's chest as she slept, and grabbed her phone. She turned it on before immediately lowering the brightness and checking the time.

4:47 am.

She sighed, closing her eyes again for a second before trying to sit up. She was still in her clothes from the party and was surprised she had been able to sleep that long without getting uncomfortable.

She let Belly's head gently fall on the pillow and sat up, grabbing the water bottle and aspirin bottle that were next to her phone.

"Take two! But grab something to eat first!"

She recognized her brother's handwriting and set the things in her lap before opening a drawer attached to the bedside table.

She grabbed a granola bar she had put in there earlier in the day when she found it in her bag and ate it in the dark before taking the pills.

She scrolled on her phone a little, replying to a message by Sophie before she got out of bed.

She got her pajamas from her closet and tip-toed out of the room with a towel. She went into the bathroom she and Belly shared upstairs and started undressing.

She took a quick shower, the cold water waking her up completely. She got out and towel-dried her hair.

She changed into trousers that hung loosely off her hips and a sweatshirt that said 'Class of 2022' that she had gotten at graduation a couple of weeks ago.

She left the bathroom and planned to walk back into her room before she noticed that Conrad's door was open.

His room was right next to the bathrooms, so she peeked her head in to see that he wasn't there. His bed was made, albeit a little messily but she could tell it had been slept in.

She looked around, not having been in the room in almost a year. Nothing had changed since last summer, it was a little more cluttered but you wouldn't notice it unless you had spent hours in the room prior.

She walked out and downstairs to see where he had gone but he wasn't in the house. She sighed, giving up on finding him, and grabbed her slippers by the door before making it over to the beach.

This was the first sunrise of summer, and she had never missed it in almost seven years now.

The sky wasn't as dark, the sun had started peeking out from behind the clouds and she grabbed her phone and glasses in one hand as she walked down the makeshift path towards the water.

She had figured she'd be alone but then she spotted someone sitting ahead of her. She put her glasses on and pushed her damp hair behind her ears before making her way over to Conrad.

"Good morning." She said sitting down next to him.


They say silently, Conrad knowing that Rory had come to see the sunset so while the sun rose higher in the sky he let her watch undistributed and he studied her side profile.

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