01; Prologue

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Finn had assured Thalia that she would be fine and that nothing would happen to her. What a fucking lie.

She scoffed as she heard loud footsteps run up behind her. A guard, no doubt. She could hear him shout to the other guards and a plethora of clicks flooded the corridor. They were preparing their rifles.

"Hands up! Keep your hands up, young girl! Turn around."

Thalia dropped the knife, watching as it clattered to the ground, drops of blood sliding down the blade. She slowly raised her hands up into the air and turned around to face the guards.

The guard nearest to her pushed her up against a wall whilst one of the others started talking with a monotone voice, like he had done this a thousand times already.

"Thalia Hills, you are under arrest for the murders of–"

One good thing about committing a crime in a storage ward, is that the boxes full of junk may contain weapons.

Thalia reached her arm out and grabbed a slightly rusted scalpel from the top of the junk pile, thrusting it back into the guards neck.

"Don't let her get away!" Another guard shouted, extending his electroshock baton to hit Thalia's knee.

With skill, she dodged the baton, and quickly plunged the scalpel into the next guards neck. Blood splattered over her face, causing her to flinch slightly when it splattered right into her eyes.

"Don't let her get away!"

The guard at the back extended his pistol, and Thalia didn't have much time to react. Instead of the bullet going through her forehead, it hit her in the shoulder. At least she'd live.

Her wrists were harshly handcuffed and a syringe of a sedative was inserted into the side of her neck.

"Thalia Hills, you are under arrest for the murders of Ryder Hills, Guard 787, assault of Abby Griffin, treason, and theft of medical recources."

Thalia's head was going cloudy. The drug was working fast. Her world was spinning, and as she got hauled up by the guard, all she could do was let her feet drag along the floor as he dragged her to the skybox.

Raven had warned her. And she didn't listen.

And now, she would rot in a cell in the skybox for the next four years, until she turned eighteen.



"Hey, Octavia, what kind of punishment do you think I'll get today?" Thalia asked her cell mate.

The girl shrugged, a small smirk on her face. "I think they're going to drop you down to Earth."

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