05; Reunion of the trio

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"Finn, look." Thalia said, pointing up at the sky. The duo was sat outside the bunker on a small hill where the trees parted and the sky was visible

"A shooting star. You should make a wish."

Thalia laughed, but obliged. "Hmmm." She mumbled, tapping her finger on her chin. "I wish for..... A happy ending."

Finn laughed, but not in a humiliating way. "Gosh, Thals. That's kind of dark. Happy, but dark."

Thalia shrugged. "I'm just saying." She sung,  smile on her face. This reminded her of the missing person from their trio, the one who would always counter Finns and Thalia's jokes with some scientific explanation.

"I miss Raven." Thalia said, bringing her knees up to her chest and raising her chin on them. "I know you do too."

Finn ran his hand through his hair. "We'll meet again with her. I can feel it".

Thalia's stayed glued to the shooting star, until it started to resemble something that didn't look like a meteor burning through the earths atmosphere.

"Finn..." she trailed off, standing up. "That's not a shooting star."


Thalia and Finn ran back to camp, quickly updating Clarke on the situation. Determination shone in her eyes and she grabbed Finns and Thalia's arms, dragging them along with her.

"Grab your stuff. Let's find out."

"Bellamy said we're gonna wait until sunrise." Said a girl, who Thalia remembered was called Fox.

"Where is he?" Clarke asked, entering Bellamys tent.

"Ever hear of knocking, bitch?" Said a girls voice from inside. Thalia shared a look with Finn, coughing slightly to cover up her laugh.

"Where the hell is Bellamy?"

"He took off a while ago."

Clarke exited the tent, rolling her eyes. "His gears gone. He told everyone to stay. Whatever's in that thing, he wants it. We've gotta get there before he does."

"Woah. Slow down, Clarke." Thalia told the worked up blonde.

Clarke sighed. "I should've known he'd go for that radio"

"How are you supposed to know something like that?" Finn asked.

"Because he spent every single minute since we landed making sure no one on the Ark finds out we're alive."

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