11; Dumbass with the biggest heart

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"If every training session ends like this, we need to do this more often."

Thalia laughed, rolling her eyes, watching as Delphi pulled her shirt back onto her body. "Delphi, every training session does end like this."

Delphi shrugged, a large smile on her face. "Hey, you don't hear me complaining." She picked Thalia's shirt off the floor and chucked it over. Thalia caught she shirt before it hit her face. She caught sigh of a harsh sun beam making its way in through one of the cracked cave walls. She frowned.

"Delphi.... What time is it?"

"Midday, I think?"

"Shit!" Thalia exclaimed, hurriedly pulling her clothes on. She almost tripped over her shoes at the end of the bed. "I've been gone for almost two days. Raven and Finn definitely think I'm dead."

"See you later!" She heard Delphi yell as she ran out of the cave, and into the forest.

The run back to the dropship didn't take long as by now, Thalia had memorised the way back, having ran it almost 50 times. Delphi had even showed her a shortcut, which she used whenever it was required. Like now.

Once she made it back to the dropship, she used her's and Octavia's foxhole in the back fence, which they had created specifically for situations like these. Sneaking in after seeing Delphi or Lincoln. The two were in similar situations, both infatuated with grounders who were pacifists and hated war. It was a bitter realisation, that both Thalia and Octavia had a fight on the tip of their souls, which was probably what drew them into the peaceful grasps of the two grounders in the first place.

The delinquents were all crowded around Jasper, in the middle of the camp. He looked like he was telling them all a story, with dramatic hand and over exaggerated hand motions. She saw Octavia standing to the side, a scowl on her face.

"No sign of your brother or the others yet." Thalia heard a delinquent tell the dark haired girl as she neared.

"Hey. I don't care." Octavia responded. Thalia tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to spin around, ready to throw a punch if she had to. She calmed down once she realised it was Thalia. "You've been gone for two days!"

Thalia winced, leading Octavia away from the delinquents. "I know. I lost track of time."

Octavia smirked, wiggling her eyebrows at Thalia. "That sex better be fucking good for you to disappear for almost 48 hours."

Thalia pursed her lips, a blush growing on her cheeks. "So good." She breathed. "Did anyone notice me gone?"

Octavia shook her head. "I covered for you. Told Clarke you weren't feeling well when she went looking for you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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