06; What's life without a little bit of pain?

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"I got nothing." Sighed Finn. "We lost the trail."

"Keep looking." Urged Bellamy.

By now, the darkness had faded into a pale blue sky, lightly covered with some clouds.

Finn stood up. "Wandering around aimlessly isn't the way to find your sister. We should backtrack..."

"I'm not going back." Bellamy said.

"Me neither." Added Thalia. Octavia was one of her best friends, she wouldn't let her get strung up by some grounder.

"Hey, where's John?" Asked Roma.

Jasper frowned. "I just saw him a second ago."

"Spread out. He couldn't have gotten that far." Bellamy said.

Thalia caught movement in the trees in the corner of her eye. She frowned, studying the high branches, seeing something that resembled a human body.

"Guys!" She exclaimed. "They use the trees."

Diggs laughed nervously. "We shouldn't have crossed the boundary."

"Now can we go back?" Roma asked.

"There. Right there." Jasper said, pointing to a tree.

"Another one."

Thalia shared a look with Bellamy, both nodding at each other.

"We should run." He said, and they ran.

"Let's go! Let's go!" DIggs panted.

Jasoer leaned against a tree. "What are we gonna do? They keep heading us off."

"Just keep running." Said Finn, gasping heavily.

"I can't run much longer!" Jasper complained.

"I'm not stopping for him!"

"I'm sick of running anyway." Bellamy said, slowing down.

"Hey, what the fuck are you doing?" Thalia asked, staring at him like he was crazy. If he wanted to get speared, then so be it, but she didn't feel like dying today. Or any day.

"They know where she is."

"Diggs, where are you?" Shouted Roma.

"Roma!" They heard from a distance. Roma went to run towards Diggs, but Finn grabbed her sleeve.

"Wait! Roma. Could be more. Stop."

Thalia sighed heavily, her lungs burning. "They were leading us here. It's the only direction we could run in."


The foghorn blew and everyone apart from Thalia panicked. She frowned, watching as Bellamy unpacked a tent hastily.

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