02; Thalia, the prankster

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All the delinquents piled out of the dropship, going crazy as they touched everything they could reach; plants, the mud, trees, flowers. They breathed in the fresh air, amazed at what their lives had become.

Before Thalia could explore the new environment, she was grabbed into another tight hug. She immediately recognised who it was.


"That's my name, Thals." He said, ruffling her hair. She rolled her eyes and swatted his hands away.

"Finn. Be serious. Did you actually go on an illegal space walk?"

Finn looked around before quickly bringing Thalia away from the prisoners, where they could talk in private, although it wouldn't really matter since everyone was paying attention to the ground and not to them anyway.

"It wasn't me." He whispered into her ear. "I saved Raven's ass."

A fond smile made its way onto Thalia's face, despite the tears that shined in her eyes. "She would've been floated." Finn nodded silently. Thalia brought him into another quick hug before she spotted Clarke heavily frowning at something over Finn's shoulder.

She let go of Finn and patted him on the shoulder before skipping off to Clarke.

"Why so serious, blondie?" She asked, startling the blonde. She stood behind her, leaning over her shoulder. "It's not like blew up in a millisecond in a fiery explosion."

Clarke rolled her eyes, shivering lightly when Thalia's breath feathered her neck.

"Do you ever smile?"

Clarke rolled her eyes once again. "Do you ever shut up?"

Thalia smirked, crossing her arms. "Ooooh. How outrageous of you, Clarke. That's a bad, bad phrase to use. Didn't your mommy teach you better?"

Anger flared in Clarke, and it took everything in her to not lunge at the brunette. Instead, she swallowed harshly, and pointed at the mountain separated from them by a forest.

"Do you see that peak over there?"


"Mount Weather. There's a radiation-soaked forest between us and our next meal. They dropped us on the wrong damn mountain."


"Uh! So Mount Weather." Finn said. "When do we leave?"

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