10; Being a bitch doesn't solve problems

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Time passed and passed, with no immediate response from the Ark. Everyone had their thoughts on what had happened, and most of them led back to oxygen finally running out. They all knew what it meant. They didn't have any supplies. They would probably die during winter, with no proper preparations actually taking place. But no one dared to say it out loud.

The delinquents became wilder and wilder. Parties became more frequent, almost daily. They never had such freedom before, most of them barely surviving in the skybox due to their crimes.

"You're not gonna get this one." Thalia heard Clarke say from where the blonde was playing a game with a few other delinquents. She seemed tipsy, from Monty's moonshine.

"Yes I am." Giggled Fox.

Clarke shook her head, hiccuping lightly, a warm smile on her face. Thalia found it nice that the blonde could finally relax, all torments of leading and saving the delinquents temporarily lifted off her shoulders. "No. It's not happening."

"Whoo! All right."

"What do you know? Her highness can actually party. I like it." Teased a delinquent.

Thalia disconnected from eavesdropping when Finn sat down next to her. She turned to him, to find him fighting a sour expression. She immediately frowned.

"Finn? What's wrong?"

"I just did something I don't know if I should have."

"What?" She pressed.

He sighed his head and stood up, grabbing her wrist to pull her up as well. "Come with me. I'll explain once we grab Clarke."

The duo moved to Clarke, who probably wasn't sober enough to be consulting whatever Finn had put his mind to.

"Clarke." He tried. "We need to speak to you."

Clarke's eyes scanned over him briefly before moving over to Thalia, who held the eye contact. Her brows furrowed, and Serious Clarke returned.

"What is it?"

Finn dragged Thalia and Clarke away from the crowd. "I set up a meeting with the Grounders."

"A meeting?" Echoed both Thalia and Clarke.

"I don't understand." Carried on the blonde. "With who? How?"

"And why?"

"I was just with the Grounder that we had in the dropship and his friend. Their names are Lincoln and Delphi."

Thalias heart fluttered at the mention of her...... what were they? She didn't know, but definitely not friends after their passionate evening a week ago. They had still yet to meet up and talk about their relationship, and to be honest, Thalia was absolutely dreading it.

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