03; Thalia makes a friend

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"You wanted to go first. Now quit stalling." Clarke told Finn, who was eyeing the green vine.

"Mount Weather awaits." Sung Octavia.

Jasper patted his back. "Just hang on till the apogee, and you'll be fine."

"Come on, Finny Boy. Don't say you're scared." Mused Thalia, earning a nudge from her best friend.

"The apogee like the Indians, right?"

"Apogee, not apache." Said Jaspers

"He knows. Today, Finn."

"Aye, aye, captain. See you on the other side." Finn saluted Thalia, high fiving her before he gripped the vine and got ready to swing.

"Wait." Said Jasper.


"Let me. I can do it." He said, stepping up.

A smile broke out over Finn's face and he handed the vine to Jasper. "Knew there was a badass in there somewhere. Hey, it's okay to be afraid, Jasper. The trick is not fighting it."

Jasper nodded with determination on his face. "See you on the other side."

"Have fun!" Shouted Thalia, earning a nudge from Octavia.

The group watched Jasper swing to the other side, where he finally jumped off onto the ground.

"Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Yeah! We are apogee! Yeah!" He shouted, almost jumping around from joy.

Everyone was laughing, even Octavia, who seemed to be distracted momentarily from the pain from the gash on her thigh.

"Yeah! You did it, Jasper!" Yelled Clarke, doing a small victory jump.

Finn reached out for the vine. "Let's go, Thals. You're up."

"Come on, Thalia! You got this! Whoo!" Screamed Jasper before his eyes caught something in the mud. He picked it up, showing the others a mount weather sign. "We did it! Mount Weather! Whoo!"

Their victory was cut short when a spear hit Jasper right in the chest. A gasp of surprise left Thalia's lips, eyes wide and heart racing.

"Jasper." Gasped Clarke.

"Come on. Come on. We need to go." Thalia grabbed the blondes arms since she wasn't moving. The group quickly ran down to lower ground.

"Get down. Get down." Breathed Finn, having the same idea as Thalia.

"We're not alone." Clarke said, breathing heavily.


The group trudged back to the dropship in silence. Even Thalia wasn't in the mood for stupid jokes or making fun of Clarke. The realisation that there were ground people who had survived the radiation was weighing heavily on Thalia's head.

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