07; Abby knows something

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"The hell are you doing?" Asked Octavia as she climbed down the ladder from the second floor, studying the grounder which Bellamy had dragged all the way to camp.

"It's time to get some answers." He answered.

Octavia scoffed. "Oh you mean 'revenge'?"

"I mean 'intel'." He turned to the two delinquents. "Get him upstairs."

Clarke walked up to the two siblings. "Bellamy, she's right."

The radio became static, the noise echoing through the dropship, before Abby's voice became clear again. "Clarke, okay we're ready. Can you hear me?"

"Look, this is not who we are."


Bellamy tightened his jaw, briefly glancing over at a pale unconscious Thalia on the table. "It is now."

Finn walked in, avoiding the sight of Thalia sprawled out on the table. He cleared his throat and climbed up the second floor, where they were keeping the grounder.

Clarke shook her head, watching as the grounder was hauled up onto the second floor. She turned back to Thalia, inspecting the wound. "The blade is at a sharp upward angle. Between her sixth and seventh rib."

"Okay, how deep?" Abby asked.

"Well I can't tell how deep it goes."

"That's alright, just don't remove the knife yet."

"Mom?" Clarke asked. "There's something.... Her bloods black. I don't know if it's because of the knife, or what it even is at all–"

"Clarke, calm down." Said Abby. "There's.... It's..... Is the injured girl Thalia Hills?"

Clarke stopped, sharing a look with a frozen Raven in the corner. "Yes? How did you know that?"

"Clarke, there's something important which I can't tell you about now, but I promise you, as soon we we meet again, we will have a–"

"Let's not do this right now. We need to save her. Hey, here, sterilize your hands." Clarke said to Raven who had started pacing. The girl grabbed the bottle of moonshine and took a large sip before pouring the liquid over her hands.

"Clarke, do you see any fluid?"

"Wha-" Clarke went to ask, but her question was drowned out by loud chatter. "Damn it! Raven, clear the room."

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