04; Little miss murderer

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Delphi had told Thalia to go straight, no turns, to get back to the dropship. She had been walking for what seemed like hours. When she heard the snapping of a twig behind her, she immediately spun around, tightly gripping the dagger which Delphi had gave her.

"Thalia?" She heard.

"Finn?" She squinted her eyes, and sure enough, it was Finn with Clarke and Wells next to him. "Oh my god, Finn!"

She immediately ran towards him, tackling him in a hug.

"Thals. I thought you died."

"I'm way too tricky to get rid off." She chuckled. She pulled away, noticing Clarke looking at her. Impulsively, she also pulled the blonde into a hug.

Clarke, surprised by the action, hesitantly hugged back.

"You were gone for three days." She said to the brunette who finally let go. "Everyone thought you died."

Wells chuckled. "More like everyone thought Bellamy killed you."

Thalia opened her mouth to respond, but Delphi's warning echoed through her mind.

"Thalia. You can't tell anyone about this. They'll kill me."

A loud groaning from the clearing near them ricochet through the forest.

Thalia frowned. "I'll tell you guys later."

The four of them moved towards the groaning, where they saw Bellamy leaned over one of the delinquents who had burns all over his body.

Clarke moved towards Bellamy, kneeling down desire him as she inspected the boy in pain. Thalia followed after her.

"Okay. I'm gonna help you, all right?" Clarke asked him, and the boy gave minimal response.

Thalia reached into her pocket for the dagger Delphi had given her and handed it to Clarke. Their eyes met, Clarke instantly understanding what Thalia had in mind. She stroked her hand through the boys hair, humming a melody before she pushed the knife through his throat.


Thalia returned to camp with the others, gaining many surprised looks from the people she walked past. They thought she would die that easily? Game on, bitches.

"We've gotta get to Jasper. I'll need boiled water to make the medicine." Clarke ordered, and Finn immediately left to go prepare the medicine.

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