08; The philosophical pacifist

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"Hey, hey, hey! You need to slow down." Clarke commanded, raising an eye at Thalia who tried to sit up.

The brunette rolled her eyes but complied anyway. "I'm not dead. I require some freedom."

"I'll give you freedom when you're not in risk of tearing your wound open. Again."

"Hey!" Exclaimed Thalia, lightly offended. "That wasn't my fault."

"Oh really?" Asked Clarke, crossing her arms. "Then whose is it?"

Thalia bit her lip but couldn't come up with a witty answer. Lately her brain had been going slow. "Fine! I give up, blondie. It was my fault. Does that make you feel better?"

"Drastically." Hummed Clarke sarcastically. Although her banter with Thalia made it seem like she didn't care, she did. It was heartwarming to see that the old Thalia was back, with her stupid teasing and totally not funny jokes.

"You're such a joy kill."

Quite a lot had happened in the time she was healing. Clarke and Raven had set up a station where delinquents could talk to their family if they wanted, preparation for winter had started to begin, and Finn and Raven weren't speaking for some reason which neither had bothered to disclose to Thalia.

"In all seriousness," Clarke said. "How are you feeling?"

"Weak, bored..." Thalia groaned. "Grateful to be alive, I guess."

"You guess?" Mused Clarke. "Well, if you want to stay that way, you should rest."

"I'll tie her down if I have to." Said Raven, stepping into the tent Thalia was resting in.

"That's kinky, Rave. If you wanted to try it out, you could've asked me before I got sish-kebabed by a grounder knife laced with poison."

Raven patted Thalia's cheek, light covering ger mouth with her hand so the brunette wouldn't say anything which was even more inappropriate.

Clarke shook her head in amusement. "I'm gonna be out of camp today. Can you change her bandages in a few hours?"

Raven nodded but Thalia frowned.

"Wait," she muttered, sitting up slightly before Raven pushed her down again. "Where are you going?"

"It's a little assignment from the Ark. It's nothing to worry about."

"Don't get too mauled up by grounders, blondie. Or do, your choice. Cant guarantee it won't hurt a little bit, though–"

"She means well." Raven said, patting Thalia's forehead like a dog. Thalia swatted her best friends hand off her forehead.

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