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Chapter 11 A Mysterious Relationship

When he woke up again, he was so thirsty that he couldn't speak. The surroundings were dark, with only a glimmer of light coming from the right side. It took him a while to realize that he had followed the leopards back to the cave and met several humans.

He suddenly wanted to sit up and confirm whether what he saw yesterday was an illusion. He was so eager to prove that he was not alone. However, the wounds on his body hurt so much that he gasped and fell down. Only then did he realize how bad his condition was. There was no pain anywhere from head to toe. The numbness in his legs that had disappeared for an unknown period of time seemed to suddenly come back. The pain made him want to die. The soles of his feet seemed to have been worn out in many places. After treatment, my head felt swollen and painful, and my throat seemed a little swollen, not to mention my lungs and left shoulder that throbbed when I inhaled. Lowering his head slightly, he realized that the wound on his left shoulder had been treated, and a layer of cool plants had been applied, but it was not bandaged. As for his T-shirt, they didn't seem to know how to take it off, but they applied the medicine roughly for convenience. The ground tore and hung on his body ==

After being mentally prepared, he slowly adjusted his breathing, and then struggled to sit up a little bit under his body, and all the plants he had applied slipped onto his legs. Only then did he see clearly the four ferocious claw marks on his shoulders. They were slightly swollen due to inflammation, and each one was as high as a finger. However, the weird purple plant seemed to be effective, and his bleeding seemed to have stopped.

He found himself sitting on a piece of fur of an unknown animal in the innermost part of the cave. It seemed to be evening outside, and the light was no longer dazzling, and the light shining into the cave was even fainter. There was no one in the cave, and no one knew about the leopards. Where have we and those men gone. Looking back, he saw a piece of meat and water in a coconut shell-like container lying next to his "bed". He smiled slightly and took a sip of the slightly turbid-looking water.

This cave is not very big, only about ten square meters, and it is also very low. The highest cave entrance can only barely allow him to stand up straight, which looks a bit depressing. On a small stone platform on the left side of the cave entrance, there was a row of various simple and rough tools. He leaned forward and looked at them carefully. Most of them were half-polished wooden sticks and spearheads. He picked up a piece that seemed to be almost completed. Spearhead frowned deeply. This spearhead is much thicker than what he polished himself, and it only uses the sharp mouth naturally formed by the fracture of the stone. It is not like him grinding the stone into a sharp rhombus and opening a blood groove. The lethality is very average. On the stone platform The flat stone fragments were stained with blood and may have been used to cut animal hides. There is a coconut-shaped fruit shell placed next to it. There are some small things such as needles and pestles made of animal bones inside, and there are also unknown rattan threads scattered inside. He put down the spearhead, picked up a dry wooden stick with a fine groove next to it, and looked at the remaining fire on the ground. This was probably the tool they used to start the fire.

The ground on the right side of the cave entrance is also covered with animal skins, and some fruits, berries and other fruit roots are drying. A few animal skin bags tied in the corner probably contain either dried fruits or skins.

These should be all the properties of these leopards and men. Li Shizhen sighed deeply. Yesterday, he thought that this place was probably a primitive society. Judging from the tools they used, calling it a primitive society was an overestimation of the progress of their civilization. This place should still be in the Stone Age, which corresponds to the ancestors of human beings on the earth or Homo sapiens. . There are no agricultural tools among all the tools, so they must make a living by hunting and gathering. There were so many leather bags piled in the corner, and they had so few things except food and tools, indicating that they should be constantly on the move.

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