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Chapter 71

The amount of picking work in the assembly hall was much less on the second day. Yu Amu and the others basically completed it in one morning, but Li Shizhu for some reason did not send out any more males and cubs. Just tell them to keep the little sign given to them that day for a surprise later.

Even the females that had passed the ceremony were sent back to the hot spring area by Li Shizhen and did not participate in the morning picking. After all, the only ones left in the hot spring area were Asha's few pregnant females. Li Shizhen was not worried. These females would be replaced after they returned.

The drying begins in the afternoon. There are special rakes in the valley for turning fir fruits. All the steps have been passed down for countless generations. The grandmothers do it every year and are very familiar with it. There is no need for young people to participate.

This allowed the young man who had been working hard for a long time to finally rest for a while. Li Shizhen and Bai both agreed tacitly not to arrange any other work.

It is precisely because they have to do the work of picking and processing fir fruits every year. Although the mothers have no concept of counting, they can clearly feel that although there are many fewer fir fruits on the trees this year, in the end they collected Not much less than last year! You can tell by looking at the drying area. The boundary reached in previous years is almost the same this year.

Azao's wish on the holy fir really came true!

This time is different from the mistake they made when they came back that day in Xuedong. This is a wish that has truly come true. For a time, Li Shizhu's three wishes were mentioned repeatedly by everyone in the valley. The ladies seemed to have put aside their deepest worries and smiled one after another. If you can harvest so many more fir berries despite the obviously reduced production, then the males must be able to bring their prey back from the south!

To Bai's surprise, the rumors quickly spread to Li Shizhuo. There were quite a few young females who were close friends with Li Shizhen. Everyone pushed each other. In the end, Aman was the boldest and asked Li Shizhen this question: "Azhu, are you blessed by the Holy Spirit? Are all your wishes fulfilled?" Can it be realized? Eminem said there are really as many fir fruits as last year. It was the Holy Spirit who told you the place where the fruits are hidden."

Li Shizhu couldn't laugh or cry for a moment. He didn't expect that what happened yesterday was so outrageous. Ordinarily, it shouldn't be, those The cubs should all know this, but they haven't made it clear to their families.

In fact, to put it bluntly, there is nothing surprising. This is certainly not the Holy Spirit's blessing that everyone says. Li Shizhen just thought that the holy fir fruit in his hand seemed to have been pushed down by small squirrel-like animals. It can be seen that the fir fruits did not mature at the same time until this time, but should mature one after another, because the fir fruits in his hand Although it is a little green, it is obviously almost mature.

But they have neither seen them on the trees nor picked them up under the trees. Thinking about the active little animals in the woods, it is not difficult to imagine where these fir fruits have gone. Li Shizhen knew that animals have the instinct to store food for the winter. He just asked the cubs who had free time and strong curiosity to carefully observe the habits of the small animals and see what their diets were like. Where did you hide the fir fruit?

Li Shizhen has reason to believe that there are not a few of these fir fruits that have matured and been hidden in advance. After all, the ripening of the fruits on a tree must be different. In modern times, he has heard that it takes several times to pick. If It is a one-time picking, and the method of ripening under the tree will definitely be used. At least that's true for most fruit trees, and the fir tree is unlikely to be an accident.

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