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Chapter 51: An unexpected

encounter may be worth remembering, and a reunion may be touching.

But the problem currently facing Li Shizhu and Bai is very real. The river in front of them is so wide that they cannot see the other side. Brachiosaurus can cross it, but how the two of them can cross it is really a problem.

Li Shizhen and Bai looked at each other.

"How did you get here before?"

Bai pointed to the biome on the other side, and Li Shizhu held his forehead. It seems that this guy came here among the crossing animals, or he simply took a ride on some kind of large animal. .

The two of them watched on the shore for a while. It seemed that the creatures on both sides of the river were very satisfied with the current living environment and no one wanted to cross the river.

Miss Brachiosaurus roared again, and Li Shizhu waved to it. It seemed that its group had finished drinking water and was going to continue looking for food.

Li Shizhen had no intention of asking Miss Brachiosaurus to come pick them up, not to mention how he was going to inform Miss Brachiosaurus. The ecological chain in this watershed was so complicated, and the tyrannosaurus might just be one of the top predators. There were still other things in the water. With the giant crocodile just like that, there should be more terrifying predators than the overlord in the water. It would be too dangerous for a single Brachiosaurus to cross the river.

It seems that we have to find another way.

The weather is now warm and humid, and the vegetation around this watershed is vast and lush. The brachiosaurus group should stay at least for a while, long enough for Li Shizhen to come up with a solution.

"Should we settle down here first?" Li Shizhen asked with gestures. The water was too loud and he was afraid that Bai Hu wouldn't be able to hear his voice. However, he still needed to make up his mind about the situation nearby. After all, Bai Hu seemed to be right. It's more familiar here.

"Yes." Bai nodded without objection. According to his idea, he squatted by the river. Sooner or later, there would always be creatures that would wade through the water.

Li Shizhu didn't have any good ideas for the time being. It really didn't work. Brachiosaurus and the others would always have to cross the river when they migrated south, sigh.

After the current discussion, the two people need to stay on the south bank for a while. Now they really have nothing except weapons and a few necessities, and the Brachiosaurus is out of reach, so the supplies on Miss Brachiosaurus' back can only be temporarily Idle.

Li Shizhen frowned slightly when he thought of those ferocious predators under the tree. It seemed that he could only live in the tree temporarily like he was in the jungle.

As for the place to stay, Li Shizhen glanced at the white tiger next to him and started to make gestures again: "Where will we stay tonight?"

Bai turned his head and stared at it as if he was recalling something. Under the sunlight, even wearing a hat The simple leaf hat cannot hide the charm of the strong and handsome face.

He seemed to think about it for a moment, and nodded to Li Shizhen with confidence. Bai filled the bamboo tube on his body again and pulled Li Shizhen to continue climbing up the cliff next to the waterfall.

The purpose of this operation seems not far away, right next to the cliff of the waterfall. When Li Shizhen saw the cave hidden among the rugged rocks, he was slightly surprised.

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