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Chapter 21 Is this really good?

It's really, really, good to be so cute while trying to attract hatred at the same time! Li Shizhu was ravaging the furry ears under his palms with an expressionless expression, thinking, but it feels really good, the fur is soft, warm and elastic, and you can feel its soft ear bones as if they are shaking from time to time XDDD White Tiger While rubbing her furry head in his arms to avoid the devil's claws on her head, she begged for mercy in a low voice, "Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo". Her white paws stretched out and rested on his arms, but she didn't dare to use force or even stretch out her paws. hook.

It wasn't until the fur on its head was all messy that Li Shizhen stopped with a slight sigh of relief.

He squinted his eyes and glanced at the tyrannosaurus on the ground. It was even bigger than a white tiger, but compared to the terrifying size of an adult tyrannosaurus, this tyrannosaurus can only be called a mini figure, so, At least it should be a young individual in the family. According to general habits, if this tyrannosaurus is not strictly protected by the family, it is at least under the care of its mother. Even if it is wanted to learn hunting skills, it The mother will at least always notice its movements.

So the first question is, how did this white tiger kill this tyrannosaurus even though it was just a cub? The main source of information he had at hand was everything after yesterday's encounter with the Tyrannosaurus and then with this tiger in the small bamboo house.

Thinking back to yesterday's scene, he saw two adult tyrannosaurs yesterday. The first one only started to hunt calmly in the valley. At that moment, at least the tyrannosaurus should not have received any information, and then he and Luan came from the valley. After escaping and meeting Yan, and then separated, he met the second tyrannosaurus. Thinking of the leopard that died tragically in its mouth, he didn't know who it was, and he didn't know what the leopard group was doing now. He shook his head and shook off this thought. I continued to recall the emotions in my heart. Maybe at that time, the tyrannosaurus encountered a group of leopards and was hunting. Then the two tyrannosaurs met. It seemed that they had received some news. They were very angry but they did not leave immediately. Maybe that news Although it's not urgent to make them angry, they don't even need to rush over immediately?

Then, Li Shizhen clearly heard the roar of the third tyrannosaurus in the distance. At that time, he was too frightened to distinguish it. Now thinking about it carefully, it seems that it was a sound coming from deeper in the jungle. It was so loud that it should be Very angry, angry, and angry, the two tyrannosaurs immediately retreated after hearing this sound, so the message in this sound should be very urgent, at least more urgent than the previous message.

Look at the tyrannosaurus cubs on the ground. The cubs have not been with these two tyrannosaurs from the beginning. According to the habits of ordinary animals raising their cubs, these two tyrannosaurus are definitely not the mothers of the cubs. One of them may be. The father of a baby Tyrannosaurus rex. The third tyrannosaurus is very likely to be the mother of the cub, who has been moving behind with the cub. So is it possible that the first message that the two tyrannosaurs received was also from the female tyrannosaurus, and the content of the message was probably that it had a conflict with the Deinonychus group, which would explain why the two tyrannosaurs The Tyrannosaurus was angry but did not rush over immediately. After all, there were not many races in the jungle that could cause trouble to the Tyrannosaurus and make them angry, and the Deinonychus was not powerful enough to pose a threat to the Tyrannosaurus, so they did not Need to rush over.

As for the second angry and urgent roar and the reactions of the two tyrannosaurus, it should be the news given by the mother tyrannosaurus after discovering that something happened to her cub. Either she found that the cub was missing during the conflict, or the cub was injured. , it was not good news anyway, so the two tyrannosaurs hurried over.

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