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Chapter 41 The Heavy Philosophy of Survival

The Brachiosaurus team seems to be blocked by these dense animals in front. In this tragic scene where a stampede may occur at any time, even if a large predator comes, it cannot clear the way. There is no other reason , I really can't let go.

Everyone is next to me, and I am next to you, where can I give way, and it is estimated that even if a predator comes, they will not dare to step forward. In this situation, if you really squeeze in, what kind of stampede will happen? No matter how tough you are, The predators have to be stepped on, and stepping on them is in vain.

The leader of the Brachiosaurus seemed to understand the situation at hand, and let out a long chirp. Although the volume was turned to the maximum, it was not very obvious among the noisy animal sounds, which meant that the Brachiosaurs were familiar with each other. Only through communication can its signal be accurately received.

The Brachiosaurus team turned around, as if they wanted to bypass this large group of animals. Li Shizhu took a closer look and saw that it was really lively. There were all kinds of animals, including Triceratops, Camarasaurus, Wildebeest, and Tendon. , sheep, deer, and horses are basically herbivores, and there are even more strange species that Li Shizhu can't name at all.

They seemed to be standing together in a group, but because the place was narrow and they were inevitably crowded together, and they didn't know what they were doing, Li Shizhu turned his eyes and took a look at the surrounding environment.

There was a large forest not far ahead, which made him overjoyed. Although he had saved a lot of water, compared to the consumption of one person and one tiger, the feeling of only getting out but not getting in was really frustrating. He was worried.

There must be a water source in such a forest, and the Brachiosaurus group will definitely stay there for a period of time to eat, which will allow him to replenish some water.

While he was thinking about it, he discovered that the Brachiosaurus group was still the same densely packed group of animals as it moved forward. Could it be that all the animals in the grassland were concentrated here? Li Shizhen couldn't help but secretly sighed.

After marching for a while, I finally found a slightly sparse clearing, but there were still crowded groups of different animals on both sides of the clearing.

As the Brachiosaurus team stepped forward, Li Shizhu could see clearly what was going on. He couldn't help but take a breath. What a wide river. Compared with this water body, the river they passed last time was... It was just a creek.

The densely packed animals on the south bank were obviously hesitating about how to cross the river, and they looked at each other while hesitating. Li Shizhen couldn't help but shudder when he thought of the terrifying creatures in the river last time. In this obviously much wider water, the situation would only become more complicated and terrifying.

The early morning sun shines on the water, making the waves sparkle, but the hustle and bustle on the south bank is in sharp contrast to the desertedness on the north bank. At this time, the river level has dropped by three or four meters. There are three or four meters between the land on the south bank and the river surface. There is a natural drop of four meters, and if you fall without preparation, you may break your bones, so the animals on the edge are trying desperately to move back under the pressure.

The animals standing at the back of the team looked a little anxious, pawing at the ground constantly, and dust was rising in the sky. It was obvious that this moment of waiting and watching had been going on for a long time. The increasingly severe drought and less and less food behind them remind them that the crisis of survival is coming.

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