Chapter 14

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The next morning Eli & ______woke up, they changed out of their pajamas. They went downstairs to eat breakfast. ______'s mom had made scrabbled eggs, with bacon and orange juice to drink. ______'s brothers and parents were at the table waiting for her and Eli to eat. ______

Parents-Good Morning Girls

Alex & JJ-Morning enana and chapará

______-Good Morning mommy and daddy (giving them a kiss on the cheek) Mom tell Alex and JJ to stop calling me and Eli names

Eli-Good Morning Mrs.Lucy,Mr.Roberto(giving to them a kiss on the cheek) Good Morning Alex and JJ

Alex-Don't get mad ______ and Eli their are just nickname that me and JJ have for you. Como de cariño ______ me entiendes

JJ -yeah thats right girls

______ & Eli- okay if you guys say

So ______'s family and Eli ate their breakfast when they were finished their breakfast. ______ and Eli cleaned up the table when they finished with it. The girls headed upstairs to play with their dolls. While the girls were playing Alex came into ______'s room.

Alex-Hey enana can you do me a favor and go to Rodney's house to pick up something for me. ______-okay but can Eli come with me

Alex-yea Eli can go with you I'll be waiting for you here

So ______ and Eli went over to Geoffrey's house because ______'s brother told her to go pick something that Rodney had for Alex. ______knocked on the door Geoffrey's mom opened the door and let them in. ______ explained to her what they were their for then she called Rodney to come downstairs.

Rodney-Hi Girls

______-Hi Rodney

Eli-Hi Rodney

Rodney-let me guess, Alex sent you to pick up something


Rodney-well let go it why don't you girls go up to Geoffrey's room. It's the third door on the right ______-okay what door did He say Geoffrey's room was?

Eli- The third door on the right

______ opened the door to Geoffrey's room and she saw that he was kissing Kathy on the lips.Then Eli saw what ______ saw she quietly closed the door so that Geoffrey didn't find out what her and ______

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Also go check out my friend's odalys08 new story Called "Una Noche Loca"

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