Chapter 17

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Eli and ______ went upstairs to ______'s room when Geoffrey left.
Eli- So what did Geoffrey want to talk about with
______-He told me that he was going out with Kathy. ( she said looking sad)
Eli-He what! omg ______I'm sorry to hear.
______-Don't worry about it Eli I'll be fine I guess will live loving him in secret.(starting to tear up)
Eli- well if you say so but I'll will always be here for ______ no matter what happens.
______-thank you Eli your the best and I will always be here for you too.
Lucy( ______'s mom)-Girls come downstairs and eat dinner is ready.
Eli & ______- okay we're going
Eli and ______ ate their dinner when they finished eating. They helped cleaned up the table. Then they went upstairs so that Eli could pack her clothes. Since Eli mom was going to come pick her up. When Eli finished packing her and ______ headed downstairs. That's when there a knock on the door ______'s mom opened the door. It was Eli's mom that came to pick up Eli.
Monica(Eli's mom)- Buenas Noches Lucy I Came to pick my daughter and thank you for taking care of her.
Lucy(______'s mom)-De Nada she will always be welcomed here when ever she wants to stay here.
Monica(Eli's mom)-well thank you if ______ ever want to stay over at my home she will also be welcomed. Eli hija lets go home say by to ______.
Eli- okay bye Mrs. Lucy and ______ see you tomorrow at school ( giving ______ a hug and a kiss on the cheek)
______ -bye Eli see you tomorrow
( giving her a hug)
Eli thanked Mrs. Lucy and left home with her mom. ______ and her brothers went to bed since they had school the next morning.
While Geoffrey was in his room talking with his brother about him dating Kathy. He also told Rodney about ______'s reaction begin sad like she was about to cry and her wearing sunglasses.
Rodney-well bro I think ______ likes you don't you see that.
Geoffrey-No she doesn't and if she did she deserves someone better than me. Plus she said that she was happy for me.
Rodney-now that I remember she did look like she was about to cry. When she came earlier today. I told her and Eli to go to your room that you could talk. She had come to pick up something Alex but when I called the girls ______ looked like she had been crying. Did you do anything to her to make her cry.
Geoffrey-I didn't even know they had come over. Oh no what if she walked in my room when Kathy kissed on the lips. I think thats whyshe was wearing those sunglasses.
Rodney-maybe I mean she seemed really happy when she going to your room. How ever she left almost crying like she was hurt.
Geoffrey-I would hate to ______ crying cause of me. What if she does really like me. I'll ask tomorrow why she left crying from our home and if she does like me.
Rodney-bro you can't just ask like that she going to dyne that's she likes you cause you told her already that you like Kathy. Go to sleep now you have school tomorrow.
Geoffrey did as he told but he couldn't sleep about ______ liking him. He would have to figure that out when he went school.

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