Chapter 35

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Alex: what are you two making?

Yn: sandwiches

Geoffrey: oooh! Can you guys make me one.

Eli: no way Rojas make your own.

Geoffrey: fine where's the bread and mayo.

Yn: There's no more mayo but I think there is another jar in fridge.

Geoffrey:Alright do you want one bro

Alex: sure

Eli: I already made an extra one Alex here you go.(handing him a plate wth the sandwich.

Alex: great thanks Eli

Geoffrey: hey how come you made one for him and not me.

Eli: I made to for myself but a got pretty full with the bowl of cereal I had. So I gave my sandwich to him.

Geoffrey: oh I see how it Eli you like more than me.

Eli: I do not Rojas I like you both as my friends now stop whinnying and make sandwich.

Geoffrey had found the other jar mayo and started making his sandwich. Little did he that Eli's next prank was going to be in his sandwich. Once Geoffrey finished he sandwich they sat on the couch to watch a movie.

Geoffrey: Mmm my sandwich looks really good I can't wait to try it.

Eli: yea it does (trying not laugh)

Yn: aw man I forgot to get a pickle

Geoffrey: I'll get one for you (about to get from the couch)

Yn: no thanks Geoffrey I'll get it don't start the movie yet (getting up from the couch and walking into the kitchen)

Yn came back with a big jar of pickles in her hands and set it down on the coffee table after getting one for herself.

Alex: was it really necessary that you brought the whole jar pickles enana

Yn: yes what if I ran out of pickles in the middle of the movie (taking a bite out the pickle)

Eli: Yn right do want her to make us stop the movie just cause she ran out pickles.

Yn: see Eli gets me

Geoffrey: Can I have a pickle shorty?

Yn: nope

Geoffrey: yas...s wait why not

Yn: cause I brought this pickles and I don't share my pickles ask these two they'll tell you.

Geoffrey: I stayed all night with at the hospital shorty and I can't even get a pickle from the jar. Well next time you need me with my help don't count on me.

Eli: I stayed with her too you know and if I do recall you the one begging Yn grandfather to let you spend the night with. Why don't you just go to store around the corner and buy yourself a jar of pickles.

Alex: you two stop arguing already and let's watch the movie. Oh enana can you just please give this a pickle so that he'll shut up.

Yn: okay

The rest of the afternoon they watched movies together. Yn gave Geoffrey a pickle and some to Eli & Alex. Yn was still thinking about what Geoffrey had told her. She felt like crying at moment but had to hold in half way through the movie Yn excused herself. Yn had gone to her room but Eli had noticed Yn sadness. She also saw that Yn didn't eat her sandwich so Eli was planning on taking it her right after Geoffrey took a bite of his sandwich.

Geoffrey: hey where did my shorty go.

Eli: Yn left to her room cause she feeling tired.

Geoffrey: oh I didn't realize she had left. (Taking a bite of his sandwich and making a weird face)

Alex: what's wrong bro

Eli: yea Rojas why are making weird faces

Geoffrey sandwich taste weird the mayo tastes like yogurt.

Alex: what jar did you get the mayo from

Geoffrey: the one in the back the fridge.

Eli: that's weird maybe it's expired already that's why it tastes weird.

Geoffrey: yea hey is Yn going to eat hers

Eli: of course she I was about to take to her. Just go make yourself another sandwich.

Alex: I have better idea why don't we go out to eat.

Geoffrey: yea that's sounds like a perfect idea to me.

Alex: Alright then Eli go get Yn so that we could go.

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