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Erika's POV

|||Next Day|||

We slept over at Hayes and Nash's house last night. So I basically don't have any clothes to wear. So I decided to search through Hayes closet.

I was searching and searching to find something to wear until I hear Hayes say something. "What the hell are you doing Erika?" Hayes chuckled. "Looking for something good to wear!" I yelled while still searching.

"You have a pair of shorts in my dresser and just borrow one of my football shirts or something I do t care what shirt it is." He said while getting up. "Yay! I have clothes now!" I chuckled.

Luckily it was my white high waisted shorts so all I need is like a black top or something. I found a black shirt with that said "You mad or nah?"on it and called it good so I ran to the bathroom and slipped my outfit on.

I then brushed my hair and threw it up in a ponytail. And found a black bow that I left heard one time. So I stuck it in my hair and brushed my teeth and went back out to see Hayes already dressed.

I was looking in the big mirror Hayes has in his room and Hayes comes behind me and snakes his arms around my waste. "You look gorgeous today." Hayes said. I blushed. "Why thank ya Grier you don't look so bad yourself." I smiled. He spun me around and I put my arms around his neck.

He moved his hands from my waste to my cheeks he rubbed my cheek then smashed his lips on mine he picked me up and threw me one the bed he got on the bed and continued kissing me I ran my fingers through his hair.

He stopped and looked at me "I love you so much." He said. "I love you more Grier." I giggled. "Impossible." He smiled.

"Wanna go get some breakfast?" He asked. "Sure." I said. We walked downstairs and got some cereal out we both fixed our cereal and sat down and ate.

I couldn't help but stair at Hayes he is so perfect I love him. "What?" Hayes smiled. "Nothing just that you are perfect and I love you so much." I said. "Did I really just say that ah I'm so stupid he never will like me now I like him but does he like me?" I asked to myself or I thought it was to myself.

"You know you are talking out loud right?" Hayes giggled. "Oops." I blushed. "How much did you hear?" I asked nervous. "Every word. And I do like you Erika and you are not stupid it is cute how you thought you were talking to yourself." He smiled. I just blushed.

I probably was as red as a tomato. "Wanna go to the park?" I asked. "Sure." He said. We told Emily and Nash we were going to the park and they said it was ok. So off we went.

||Skip to the park||

Hayes p.o.v

We finally got there. "Wanna go get on the swings?" Erika asked. "Yeah let's go." I said while grabbing her hand. I could tell she liked me grabbing her hand because she blushed and rubbed her thumb across my hand.

We sat on the swings and just talked about random stuff nothing specific just random. "I'm tired Hayes!" She whined. "Ready to go back to my house?" I asked. "Yeah." She yawned. "Alright let's go." I said.

||Skip to home||

Erika's p.o.v

We got back to the house and went upstairs. We walked into Nash's room him and Emily were cuddling while watching a movie. "Hey Emily what time are we leaving?" I asked. "Mom told me that we have to spend the night because there with be a bad storm today and tomorrow all day so we are staying for two nights." She said.

"Well what about our clothes we don't have any." I said. "I went to the house earlier after mom text me and got out clothes yours are in Hayes room." She said. "Ok. Thanks sis." I smiled. "No prob." She smiled back.

After that we walked to Hayes room and layed down on the the bed. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asked. "Yeah sure." I said. "Can we watch insidious 3?" He asked. "Sure." I said nervously. I always scream if I watch scary movies I get so scared I guess that is why they call them scary movies.

Hayes p.o.v

I picked a scary movie so that when Erika got scared she would jump next to me. We started watching the movie and a girl screamed in our face and Erika screamed and jumped on me I out my arms around her waist and held her.

By the end of the movie she was half way under the covers her face was covered up and she was shaking. There was a flash of lightning. That mad a popping sound and Erika screamed.

"Hayes don't let it get me!" She yelled while grabbing me. "Shhh it's ok I got you nothing is going to happen." I said while trying to calm her down. She was really scared shitless.

Thunder boomed. This time she didn't scream she started to cry. "H-h-ayes it's gonna get me!" She yelled while crying. I grabbed her waist and put my arm over her. "Shhh don't cry babe it's ok nothing is going to happen. I got you, you are safe." I said trying to get her to get calm.

She cried for s little longer and said "Hayes never let go." "I would never think of it." I said. She looked at me and smashed her lips on mine. Our lips moved in a perfect sync. It turned more into a make-out session.

After we stopped kissing we just layed on the bed my right arm was around her waist and my left hand was rubbing her cheek while she was drifting off to sleep.

Before she could completely fall asleep I asked her "Do you wanna get in some pajamas?" "Yes." She said sleepily. She went to the bathroom and got changed then came back on the bed and fell right asleep.

After she was completely asleep I went to Nash's and told him I was gonna ask out Erika tomorrow I just don't know how. He told me that tomorrow when it is raining I should take her out in the rain and ask her.

That was a perfect idea. I thanked him then went back to my room and layed on the bed and fell asleep.

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