1, Drowning In Your Love!?

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Sofia - Clairo

"Usopp—Bahahahahaha!" Luffy burst out laughing, and collapsed on the floor as he clutched on his stomach while laughing. "You're next!" Usopp said, then chasing down a racoon on the boat—nope, that's Chopper. Not a day goes by that this boat is quiet. Usopp was apparently shooting them with smoke bombs, except those smoke bombs can tickle you. "You okay, captain?" I asked, watching Luffy as he tried to catch his breath after he stopped laughing.

"Yup! Geez, Usopp's new smoke powder is really dangerous..." Luffy said as he walked towards me. "Zoro, I'm bored!" he complained as he plopped down to sit beside me on the floor. "Don't hang with me, then." I said, Luffy then pouted and leaned on my arm, "No! I wanna stay with you anyway!" he said. I scoffed and sighed, I stood up and Luffy watched me. "Wanna borrow one of my swords? Just for a sec." I suggested, he then immediately stood up as his eyes sparkled.

"Definitely!" he yelled, I then got one of my swords and handed it over to him. Luffy grabbed it and examined it for a while, "This is cool!" he yelled. He then started swinging it around, acting as if he really knew how to use a sword. "Guys, get ready! A storm is coming in a few seconds!" Nami yelled, the others and me all nodded, but Luffy wasn't listening. Nami was of course right and a wave clashed into our boat, causing it to be a bumpy ride.

Since the storm was here, the waves were making us all stumble, especially Luffy—shit. "Wait, Luffy, get away from the hand rails—" I said, but it was too late, Luffy already stumbled over the hand rails. I rushed over to him, letting go of all my swords to dive into the water. Once I was in the water, I squinted my eyes to look for Luffy, or maybe just a sign of him so that I could get him out already. I could've sworn someone yell at me before I dove in, but I didn't care.

Luffy was my first priority, starting from the day I met him, to right now. I looked around and swam under water, no sign of him whatsoever, I was losing my breath already. Then, I saw his straw hat, I grabbed it and put it over my head, the string wrapped around my neck. I was gonna give it to Luffy when I found him, and I finally did. I saw him, unconscious and drifting down deeper under the water.

I immediately swam to him and grabbed his vest, then instantly swam to the surface, I couldn't hold my breath anymore. When we were both out the water, Robin's countless arms pulled us up on to the boat. "Luffy! Zoro!" Chopper cried out as I placed Luffy on the boat. He was lying down, still not waking up. I was panting as I watched Chopper take his heartbeat.

"Luffy's...Luffy's heart is slowing down!" Chopper yelled, everyone was surrounding Luffy, I was one. My heart dropped once I heard that, it felt as if I was stabbed in the chest. "That can't be—what?" I mumbled, waiting for Luffy to wake up, because there's no way he's not gonna wake up. "No, his heart is in a normal pace now!" Chopper yelled, everyone exhaled in relief. I swear my heart was gonna slow down because I heard that, too.

Then, Luffy spit out water, and sat up just to vomit loads of water. "Woah! I'm out." Nami said, and everyone followed her as well, but I stayed beside Luffy. "Geez, Luffy." I scoffed as I nervously gripped on his arm, making sure he doesn't get out my grasp again. Except, the storm was gone already, so I basically didn't have to. I just had the urge to keep a hand on him after what happened.

"Oh—" Luffy's eyes widened as he hurriedly stood up and checked the waters, making him stand and tip toe beside the hand rail. "Luffy! What're you doing?" I asked as I rushed over him and pulled him away from the hand rails. It wasn't good that he was hovering on top of it since he was tip toeing, too. "Your sword—I don't know if I threw it up here before I fell or if I brought it with me in the water. I'm sorry, Zoro!" he panicked. I pulled his arm gently and pulled him into a hug.

"It doesn't matter! I don't care about the sword, I only care if you're safe or not." I said, holding the back of his head as we hugged. "Let's get changed." I said, then Luffy broke the hug and grinned at me, "Okay!" he replied. We walked towards our room and changed into a new pair of clothes, well, he was basically wearing the same thing, just a different colored vest. We both plopped down on the bed and sat down. I grabbed a towel and started drying off his hair for a while.

"Oh, I have your straw hat. I forgot to give it to you." I threw the towel on the bed and removed the straw hat that was dangling on the back of my neck and gave it to Luffy. "Oh, thanks, Zoro! I thought I lost it!" Luffy said as he got it from my hand and put it on his head. I grinned and tucked a hair behind his ear since it was almost going in his eye. I was fighting a smile since Luffy looked so beautiful right now. It's weird to randomly smile at him, but I couldn't help it, his big smile that he wore everyday affected me.

"Oh, I was real worried when you fell over the hand rail, by the way. It scared me so bad, honestly." I admitted. "Shishishi! Well, I knew it was okay, because I knew you were gonna save me." Luffy replied, but that made me feel uneasy. "What if I wasn't there to save you?" I muttered, suddenly I was frowning. "Then...you'll find me with perfect timing!" suddenly I was frowning but then I wasn't. That made me chuckle a bit.

"Oh, really?" I said, chuckling as Luffy laughed with me, our foreheads touching. "I'll always be there to save you, okay? Don't worry." I said, then Luffy smiled. "I know you will." he said, I don't know if I was supposed to get pressured by that, but I wasn't. Because I also know I'll always save him. He's my first priority, after all.

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