3, You're My Other Half!

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A Piece Of You - Nathaniel Constantin

I was looking everywhere for my third earring, I looked for it in the dining room and kitchen, the lookout tower, everything. I sighed as I walked up to the upper deck, then I saw Luffy sitting on top of the Sunny's head. There's a high chance that Luffy was the one who took my earring when I was sleeping. "Hey, Luffy. Have you seen my third earring?" I asked, pretending to be clueless that he didn't have it at all. "Whattt? Nooo!" he said, I knew he was avoiding eye contact right now.

Then, when I walked closer to him, I saw my earring on his right ear, I knew it. "Pfft." I almost burst out laughing, because I would've let him have it anyway, "I would've let you keep it still, even if you didn't ask." I said. Then, Luffy finally looked back and grinned, "Really!?" he asked. I nodded and jumped on top of the Sunny's head as well. Luffy then moved a little farther so that I could have more space to sit on.

"What're you looking at?" I asked, Luffy looked like he was mindlessly looking out at the distance. Like he was thinking of something important, or someone. "...Nothing." Luffy bluntly said as he wasn't smiling anymore. Then, his eyes grew slightly wider and looked at me, "It's lunchtime! Come on, Zoro! Let's ask what Sanji's gonna cook!" he yelled, then he hopped down of the Sunny's head and rushed to the kitchen. "Urgh. That dumbass cook again..." I grumbled as I followed Luffy's lead.

Once I caught up with Luffy, we both barged into Sanji making sweets, probably for Robin and Nami. "Oh! Sweets already!?" Luffy asked, he tried to take the sweet bread from the plate Sanji prepared but Sanji slapped Luffy's hand away, making Luffy yelp. "Hey! Those are for sweet-sweet Robin and Nami!" he said, I saw Luffy pout as he looked at the hand Sanji slapped. It turned kinda red. That bastard needed to stop hitting Luffy like it was a job.

"Hey, you need to stop hitting Luffy. What, is it your secret hobby or something—" I then got cut off by Luffy giving me a nudge. I then zipped my mouth and then he turned his head back to Sanji, "Hey, what're you gonna cook for lunch?" he asked. "Don't really have much right now. But I'll see what I can do. There's meat too." the word "meat" was all it took for Luffy to break into a huge smile. "Okay, can't wait!" Luffy yelled, then, he was walking out the kitchen since he finally got the answer he wanted. Luffy was already out the room so I was gonna run to catch up, but then once I was in front of the door, Sanji opened his mouth.

"Hey, you look like a dog following its master, you know that? It's so obvious your head over heels for Luffy." he said, I was gonna argue with him again, but he was right. I follow him because I want to, it's how I know that he's safe and sound. But about me being head over heels made me really think. "...Shut up." I said, then I finally left the room without saying anything else. How do I even know when I've fallen in love with someone?

I'm not sure—but I think I can find that feeling when I'm with Luffy. "Zoro, Zoro! Hurry! C'mere!" Luffy yelled for me as he was looking at the sea while sitting on the hand rail. Once I looked at the sea, I saw a sea king fish thing staring straight at us, "Shit, that's creepy." I said. "I wanna—" before he could stretch his arm to latch onto that sea king creature, I took a hold on his shoulder and gripped it. "Do you keep on forgetting that if you go into the sea you'll practically drown?"

"Oh...right. Man, how will I get to eat that thing then?" mid sentence, the sea fish king creature jumped out the water and tried to eat Luffy whole, but I slightly pushed him out of the way and stared at it. It was still mid-air, since it was a big ass creature it was slow mid-air, I guess. "You said you wanted to eat it, right? Fine." I said, Luffy then grinned at me widely while giving me a thumbs up. Since Luffy was watching, I couldn't disappoint him now. I jumped up and pulled out two of my swords, then sliced the big ass sea king in pieces.

Luffy then caught all of the fish parts that were about to land in the sea, and the others landed on the boat. "Woah! You're amazing, Zoro!" Luffy yelled, he then kissed me on the cheek and then ran off after as if it was natural to him. "Sanjiiii! Look, we have more food!" Luffy yelled in the distance. I was standing there, dumbfounded. Then all of a sudden, the others came and looked at me with such a weird look.

"...What?" I asked. "You're blussshingg, Zoro..." Brook said, while the others giggled at me. "No the fuck I'm not!" I yelled, they all were staring at me, knowing I was lying. "Zoro's got himself a boyfriend, huh?" Usopp joked, well, I don't think he was joking, but I hope he was, honestly. "I wish." I grumbled, but when it already left my mouth, I realized what I said.

"Woah! You wish?" Franky smiled, Robin did, too. Chopper—well, he was basically sleeping in Robin's arms. They were basically the parents of Chopper now. Well, they acted like a mom and dad anyway. "Man—Luffy keeps on doing this. But I don't think he gets it." I muttered.

Nami looked as if I did something wrong to Luffy honestly, the look on her face shouted I'm-gonna-kill-you-if-you-do-something-weird-to-him. "Zorooooo! Guys! Let's eat!" my heart skipped a beat and they all noticed. "Ooooo, he said your name..." Brook teased, I gave him a hard push and he stumbled as he laughed at me.

We all immediately arrived at the dining table when Luffy called us. Sanji served us all the food and once they were all on the table, he sat down beside Nami. Franky sat beside Robin and Chopper, Brook sat beside Usopp, and I sat beside Luffy as I always do. Luffy was shoving food on his mouth and didn't even take his time to chew. "Luffy, chew. You might choke." I said, I then wiped away a piece of sauce from the side of his mouth.

Boldly, I then licked my finger and continued on. I shouldn't have done that, because now, everyone was staring at me with a wide grin on their face. I mouthed to all of them saying "shut up" and I drank a beer from my cup. "Have some, too, Zoro!" Luffy yelled, I then opened my mouth and he fed me. "It's giving married cou—" Usopp was cut off by Brook.

"Well, I'm done. See you." I said, I then stood up from the chair and went out the dining room, leaving all of them. I was about to take a nap since I haven't taken one in a while. I went up the small staircase and went on the upper deck where I usually take my naps. I sat down and rested. All of a sudden, I heard footsteps approaching me, it was Luffy's.

Suddenly, all the muscles in my body were relaxed and I haven't felt more calm. I heard Luffy slightly giggle and he gave me another kiss on the cheek. I wanted to jolt up and ask him about it since he has been giving me kisses a lot randomly, but I drifted asleep.

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