15, Zoro Gets Sick For The First Time!?

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I'm sorry for the delayed new chapter, everyone. I was involved in a car accident few weeks ago. Nothing serious, a car just crashed into us in the freeway. I had to get rushed to the hospital. Yesterday, I got discharged so I can continue this.

Sparks - Coldplay

I woke up beside Zoro on the couch inside the lookout tower and he looked peaceful as he slept. Well, it was kinda weird since every time I wake up, he's normally awake since he woke up long before me. Now, I woke up before him, but it's not like I woke up early or anything. It's like...something was kind of wrong with his breathing too. "Zoro?" I hesitantly whispered his name into his ear as I leaned in towards him, no response.

I poked him in the cheek and his eye twitched, then, his eyes fluttered open and he woke up. "Zoro! You slept really..." I trailed off, Zoro looked really weird. Not like—ugly or anything, he's always handsome, it's just...he looked like, really sick somehow. I remember him telling me that he's never gotten sick, even once, so what if now is his first time? Uh-oh.

I can't have Zoro getting sick—that's really really bad! "Zoro, let's get to Chopper! Quickly!" I yelled, I grabbed his arm and tried to pull him, but he just sat up and didn't follow me. "I can't keep up with your energy right now, Luf...just give me a sec..." he grumbled. That made me even more suspicious that he was sick right now. I know, he just didn't wanna follow me in the morning because he just woke up, yeah, yeah.

But! Every time I pull him to do something, even when he just woke up, he would follow me and do it even if he was tired in the morning. Therefore, in my conclusion or something, it isn't like him at all! "Err..." I mumbled, I sat down beside Zoro and cupped his cheeks gently, "What're you doing?" Zoro asked, his voice seemed really weak. Not that he's weak in fighting or anything.

I slowly put our foreheads together and closed my eyes, people say that it's kind of a weird way to check if someone had a fever, but I was used to doing it. Plus, it seems kind of easy for me to do rather than using some doctor tool thingy. I noticed that Zoro was like, really, really, reallyyyy burning up, like really! "Zoro! You have a really bad fever! Let's go to Chopper!" I yelled, but he shook his head. "I never get sick, Luffy..." he mumbled, he looked like he was getting sleepy again, which I wouldn't let happen.

"Zoro, trust me, I know when something wrong's going on with you. Even the slightest thing, I'll know, so trust me, 'kay?" I said, I grinned at him and eventually, he chuckled and gave in to me. I grabbed his hand and he intertwined our fingers together and locked them in. He started leaning in to me while we walked to Chopper's doctor office, he's like a sleepy bear. "Oh, hey guys! What's— Woah!" Chopper froze at the sight of Zoro as if he was a zombie. "Zoro—He looks like a zombie!" Oh, I was right!

"Zoro seems to be sick. Can 'ya check him up, Chopper?" I asked, Chopper slowly nodded and he made Zoro sit on the patient bed. I was about to go out the office but then Zoro caught my hand and clenched it, "Stay." He told me. Was he really clingy right now or is it just me? My smile was definitely growing each second as I sat beside him on the bed. After Chopper did his doctor things, he finally jumped on his stool and started reading something from a clipboard.

"Well, so you, Luffy, can understand, Zoro's really sick. He shouldn't fight or train today at all. And, he should stay in bed, too." I looked at Zoro and his fists were clenched. "I'll eventually find the cause of this, so you guys just sit and go to where you guys usually sleep." Before me and Zoro left, I thanked Chopper since Zoro didn't wanna talk at all now. When we entered the aquarium slash lounge room, we both sat down on a couch in silence. "You sulking, Zoro?" I nudged him with my shoulder and he didn't say anything. "...I've never felt this weak before. I've never been sick, either. So I don't like it." He said.

"Being sick, getting sick, it's stupid, I thought. Now look at me, sick." He said, I burst out laughing. "Hey, this isn't funny!" Zoro scolded me, but I know, deep inside, he was holding in his laugh as well. I mean—come on, this is funny to me. Zoro is getting all worked up just because he got sick for the first time ever in his entire life. "Pfft—Come on, Luf. Take this seriously. Your man is sick right now." Zoro put his head on my shoulder and rested it there.

"I know, I know. Just don't get worked up about it. It's no big deal." I reassured him, "Just because you're sick doesn't mean your weak. Remember when Nami was sick? Do you think she's weak?" I asked. He slowly shook his head and I grinned at him as our eye contact wasn't getting interrupted by anything at all. "Getting sick is like...a challenge you overcome. Well, coming from someone who hasn't been sick at all though!" I joked, Zoro chuckled and coughed a little. "You're right," he admitted. "I can beat Nami in a fight, though."

"That's not the point, Zorooo!" I whined, he sat up straight and looked at all the fishes we had in the aquarium, even a few sharks. "Shouldn't you pamper me because I'm sick?" He asked, I scoffed at him. I pamper him anyways even though he isn't sick, so I dunno what he's asking me to do. "Okay..." I grabbed the back of his head and put it on my lap. I watched Zoro's face gradually get redder each second.

Man, Zoro can be really cute sometimes. As his head rested on my lap, I started playing with his hair as he started to wrap his arms around my waist. "Don't you need medicine or something?" I asked, "Nah, I don't think so. Chopper didn't give some anyway," Zoro replied. "Oh, so you can heal your own fever or something?" I joked around, but then I think Zoro literally thought that which boosted his ego, I could tell from the look he had on his face. After a few minutes of just talking about food, we heard a knock on the door.

Chopper and the others entered and looked at Zoro while his head was still resting on my lap. "What are you guys doing here?" Zoro bluntly asked, everyone looked at each other and started laughing except for Chopper who looked guilty. "So, uhm. I told everyone you were sick, and...they wanted to see you... But..." he trailed off. "What a loser! Getting sick? Weak!" Sanji yelled at Zoro as he laughed. Well, that's one way to get Zoro riled up.

Eventually, Zoro didn't even care about the others laughing, it looked like he just wanted to knock Sanji's teeth in. Well, Robin was trying to make Franky stop laughing, Usopp was holding in his laugh because he was probably too scared to laugh, Nami was giggling, Chopper was just standing there nervously. And, Sanji...he was just making fun of Zoro the whole time. "You fucking dumbass cook! Wait 'till I get there. Stay where you are!" Zoro yelled. Before Zoro even sat up, I pulled his head back on my lap and glared at Sanji.

"Sanji, can you make me food? I'm hungryyy!" I said, Sanji gulped down his words and gave me an awkward thumbs up which was hella weird. "Sure... Captain." He replied. Everyone else left when Sanji left as well. "I fucking hate Sanji," Zoro said, I gave him a smile. "You guys remind me of brothers! How you guys fight all the time..." I said.

Zoro looked at me in disgust in some way, I knew he hated the thought of him being related to Sanji by just one bit, but I know for a fact he agreed with me deep down. I gave him a kiss on the forehead and smiled, I heard him gulp deeply. Zoro pulled my head gently and pulled me into a kiss. Our lips connected together and suddenly we were in our own world. "Eugh..." I heard a voice interrupt us.

Zoro sat up and glared at Sanji who looked disgusted by us kissing as he up a tray of food in front of his face so he wouldn't see. "That's how I react every time you start fangirling over every girl you see. Get out! You're interrupting us!" Zoro yelled. "Whatever! I was leaving anyway!" Bickering is all they do, huh? When Zoro looked back at me, his gaze softened and he looked...handsomer?

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