11, Everybody's Too Loud!

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Say Yes To Heaven - Lana Del Rey

Luffy thought that everyone was too loud today, he couldn't keep up with any of their energy. His ears were ringing, he had a stomachache and headache, he was dizzy, and after a few seconds, his eyesight would get blurry once in a while. Of course, Zoro noticed after just taking one glance at Luffy. "Why was everyone talking at the same time?" Luffy wearily thought to himself. "Luffy?" Zoro said, "Are you—"

"Luffy! Check this out!" Chopper and Usopp yelled, they started to show Luffy something funny from a book Robin lended to him as Luffy leaned on the hand rails, it seemed he was leaning on it for support. Then, Franky came up to Luffy and started showing him new blueprints he made to build something new. A follow up—Nami started to scold Sanji for whatever reason, and Brook started to chuckle at everyone and play music. Even Zoro was overwhelmed by how much they were talking and how loud the whole boat was. One at a time guys, Luffy thought.

They just kept on going and going, talking to Luffy at the same time, and making music and noises that were loud enough for an island to hear from miles away. Zoro knew Luffy looked overstimulated, which he never thought that he would see from Luffy. Before he knew it, before he could shut everyone up, Luffy got a nosebleed. Before Luffy could collapse on the floor, Zoro caught him and sat on the floor so that Luffy had something to lay on—Zoro's lap. "Everyone, just shut up!" Zoro yelled, but careful not to yell that loud to the point where Luffy immediately woke up in shock.

"What's wrong with him? He's never passed out and got a nosebleed randomly..." Nami muttered to herself as Chopper checked on Luffy's temperature and blood pressure. "He looked overstimulated as well, now that I think about it..." Brook said, a vein from Zoro's forehead almost popped. "You guys were too loud. Talking at the same time, basically screaming in his ear, what'd you expect?" Zoro said, he still had Luffy lying on his lap as he cradled him. "Oh, come on. We always are, honestly. Luffy's rowdy as well, I don't think that's the only issue." Sanji brought up, Zoro was about to argue until Luffy started to slightly squirm in his arms. Chopper backed up and everyone waited for Luffy to wake up.

Luffy's eyes started to blink open and everyone's eyes widened in shock, Luffy looked almost miserable, he looked like he just got through a whole pirate crew three days straight without any rest. Everyone decided that he needed rest. "Can...everyone leave...please," Luffy managed to mutter, then everyone sighed and slowly walked away. Zoro carried Luffy princess style and walked to the room to place Luffy on a bed. Once Zoro put Luffy on a bed, he was about to leave until Luffy grabbed ahold of his arm and looked at him with eyes that looked like he yearned for him.

"No, you stay..." He said, Zoro's cheeks seemed to flush as he pulled a chair and placed it beside Luffy's bed so he would still be side by side with him. Luffy placed a finger on top of his mouth and grinned, "Don't tell the crew that I basically have favoritism, 'kay?" Zoro chuckled as Luffy laid on his side to face him properly. "You feeling okay now?" Zoro finally asked, Luffy slightly nodded but Zoro knew Luffy himself didn't know how he felt. "D'you feel sick?" That was the question that made Luffy pause for a bit to think. Luffy never got sick before, so he wasn't sure if this was the feeling of being sick or being exhausted.

"I don't think I feel sick...I think I'm just tired." Luffy said, Zoro nodded and the room was filled with silence once again. "Rest up," Zoro said, "You need it." Luffy thought that Zoro was about to leave since he suddenly stood up so he forced himself to sit up. "Where are you going?" Luffy asked, Zoro paused and looked at where he was headed, "I'm about to get you some water, why?" Zoro's heart skipped a beat. Luffy was awfully clingy for some reason, well, if you could call this clingy, because in reality, Zoro wasn't sure how some clingy would act. "...Okay." Luffy muttered.

"I'll be quick." Zoro said to give Luffy a sign of reassuring words. Zoro was true to his word when it came to his captain, so he basically ran to the kitchen and ran back, almost spilling all the water all over the floor. He gave it to Luffy and Luffy quickly chugged it and placed it on the small table beside the bed, "I'm cold." Luffy said. "You're covered with a blanket." Zoro said, he knew what Luffy was implying for him to do, but he wanted to tease him for a bit. "Still. I'm cold, Zoro..." he whined.

"Well, what do you want me to do?" Zoro asked, Luffy pouted and glared at him, he knew that Zoro knew what he wanted him to do. "Okay," Zoro finally said and climbed on the bed with Luffy, it was kind of cramped for them since Zoro was way bigger than Luffy, but Luffy didn't mind. Because in the end, it'll always end with Luffy in Zoro's arms anyway. Zoro wrapped his arms around Luffy so that they could be connected, it also gave them warmth and more space to move around. "You're so warm..." Zoro whispered to Luffy. 

Zoro was in fact falling asleep since he found Luffy's scent and warmth comforting, same goes for Luffy, honestly. Zoro started to play with Luffy's hair by softly ruffling it up a little and brushing away the hair strands that were covering Luffy's face. "Oh, by the way, Zoro. I noticed you always notice stuff about me. Like a while ago, I think you already noticed the second I started getting dizzy." Luffy asked, and Zoro grinned at him. That grin made Luffy's stomach feel like butterflies were rampaging in it. "I'm always watching you." Zoro admitted.

"Why? You don't like it?" Zoro asked and Luffy gasped, "No! I like it when you watch me." He said. Zoro chuckled at Luffy's honesty, he really was adorable, Zoro will never stop thinking that way. "Don't scare me like that. When you passed out, it honestly gave me a heart attack." Zoro pinched Luffy's cheek as his way of scolding, but he made sure it didn't hurt him. "Shishishi, okay! It's just that I felt so...burnt out." Luffy said, then Zoro put his forehead against Luffy's forehead. "I'm willing to give you my motivation and energy so that you can keep on going."

Luffy paused and burst out laughing, I mean, when do you hear Zoro say stuff like that? "Really? Thanks Zoroooo!" Luffy hugged Zoro even tighter and Zoro held back a laugh since he remembered what he just said. But honestly, he didn't mind on how embarrassing it is, because he thought that if it made Luffy happy, smile, and laugh, he'd be okay with it. Zoro kissed Luffy on the forehead and looked at him, they were looking straight at each other's eyes. "I love you." Zoro said.

"I love you too, Luffy." Zoro said back. Then, they both fell asleep in each other's arms.

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