I become my favorite CHARACTER!?

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PS, It's Kaeya. As always. Btw I'm a girl trapped in Kaeya's body. Lol


"Shit..." I cursed as i can feel trickle of blood slowly coming down my head. Ah, No wonder i feel lightheaded, I'm losing blood...

But that doesn't explain why I'm feeling really weird right now. Like all of my body feels rather foreign and-

Oh my god.

I pushed myself forward into the iceberg that was in front of me. Crawling near it to inspect it, no- to see my very own reflection. Expecting to see my normal face but this- THIS is not my face.

A man's face.

"Eeekkk---!!!" I shrieked. Okay this is very not my voice. It's masculine one- well if i shriek more like this it may sound like a scared girl. But still, it's not my voice.

"Oh god th-this is-" I trembles as I put a hand on my face- the man's face, i can feel an eye patch on my right eye. That's the only thing that can confirm my confusion.

With that the starryeyed lit up immediately as i take a deep. Deep breath- oh fuck it.


Am i in a dream? Am i dead?? Whatever this is I LOVE IT.

I screamed more with this husky voice of mine, not noticing a transparent person thing that was approaching me from behind. Lingering above me with a murderous aura, a cough sound was all it took for me to snapped out of my daze.

"Huh?" I slowly turned around to look at the thing. Well not a thing. A person. A rather familiar person.

"My, you seem to be enjoying yourself huh?" The pale ghost figure had an angry expression, he was smiling but it's not a friendly one it seems.

Oh, i guess i met the original body in the end. Yay...I gulped.

"Now...mind telling me what is happening?" He take a step forward me, his eye are menacing. His gaze are cold, much like his cyro vision.


Me and Kaeya switched body and mind. Now I'm controlling Kaeya's body and Kaeya had become a wandering soul, somehow he can't get into my body (i haven't logout yet that's why)

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