Why are you looking at me like that?

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"My Dear Star." A bony hand that stroke his cheek gently can only belong to his sickly mother. Lying limply on the bed.

Looking so pale, one could almost mistook her for a living corpse yet despite that she was still smiling with a bright face at him. Whenever he comes to visit, he will only met with a sight that his dear mother was barely breathing but would still muster up the strength to greeted him with love.

It made him sick and he hated it.

"Mother." He hold the cold hand tightly. Almost fearing that it will disappear if he lets go.

"I'm sorry my dear..." She breathes slowly with a small pained smile. Stroking the child's face lovingly and longingly.

It's always like this, this neverending apologies. The guilt feelings.

"I'm sorry Kaeya..." His mother muttered ao sadly, Kaeya shake his head to assure his dying mother that it wasn't her fault. It never was. "I'm sorry..."

"No- I.. It's okay mother... I'm fine.." The lie comes smoothly on his tongue, it tastes bitter but if only it can make his mother feels calm then so be it.

"If only I'm well enough..." Her starry eyes glazed over to the ceiling of the room, blinking lazily into the unknown. She took a shuddering breath as a tear slip down her pale face. "Maybe i could give you a better life...far more better than now.."

Perhaps in another life, mother.

Kaeya closed his eyes as he let out a silent pleas to the gods, even if he doesn't worship them but please- even if they're considered as enemies. But oh how he wished he could just pray for his mother health.

For a sinner who doesn't even deserve it, still he prayed for a miracle.

"Kaeya My Darling Star..."

Kaeya opened his eyes slowly with a pained expression when his mother was starring worriedly at him and looking 𝘰𝘩- so 𝘴𝘰 𝘱𝘢𝘭𝘦...

"Why are you looking me like that?"

Kaeya flinched at the coldness of the fingers.

Her ghostly fingers continue to stroke his face,  at his scars, a sad frown on her when she knows where it comes from.

"Such a small child shouldn't have that kind of expression..." Her hold had weakened and Karya can feel that she had slowly loosened her hold. So he hold on tighter on the cold hand. "You shouldn't even have to see me like this.." The words comes softly now before it falls silence.

"Mother?" Kaeya's voice sounds so small and so scared.

"Mother." Raising his voice slightly to get his mother's attention, as she gaze to the side lazily.

Her cold hand had full loosened it's hold but Kaeya still keep it steady even though it had almost falls. Gripping it tightly that he can even feel his mother's pulse is slowing down..


Refusing to acknowledge the truth, he shake his mother harshly. Trying to get her to remain conscious, just trying to get her to hold on even just for a moment as help is coming.

Kaeya was about to yell loudly at someone or anyone to come to help, but then the weakened hand had grip his small shaking hand. It was enough to made Kaeya look up at his mother's blue starry-eyed pupils. Her soft gaze was far more different than his father. Filled with many mix emotions but one thing he can recognize was her love for him.

It was pained, it was hurt, yet the smile was still there. For one Last time.

"𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶, 𝘒𝘢𝘦𝘺𝘢"

And then it end.

Kaeya can hear how his mother took her final breath, he can feel how her hand falls limply at the bed, he can see how his mother was finally... at rest.

So content, so peaceful, so lifeless.

She was finally free from pain of the cruel world huh?


He was expecting a loud wailing and a cry of pain but nothing comes out of his mouth. It was just widely open with no sound yet he was sure that he was yelling something but he can't hear anything.

He hears 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨.

Such a cruel son isn't he?

He hugged his mother's cold body and buried himself to smell the the aroma of his mother lavender perfume.

Tears coming down. He doesn't even bother to wipe it, just wailing into his mother. Somehow hoping his cries can wake up his sleeping mother. Cause it's always have been like that right?

His mother would immediately woke up to comfort him out of his nightmare. And this was the nightmare.

So cry he did.

Until darkness surrounded him, he will hang on to his mother until the end...


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