Found Dog

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Once upon a time, there was the multiverse. And somewhere in said multiverse, an universe called XTale existed.

Certain things happened and when everything was said and done, there was nothing left, except an empty white void, the Sans, who was also called Cross, and the disembodied Chara, residing in Cross' Soul.

An undetermined amount of time went by, with Chara tormenting Cross, blaming him for the death of their world and threatening to take control of his body.

His dark thoughts, his grief and paranoia caused by Chara attracted a dark being, at last.

The King of Negativity, Nightmare himself, made an appearance.

He talked to Cross, listening to him ranting about Chara and what had happened to his world and what else went through his skull.

When Cross was done talking and had calmed down, Nightmare offered him a deal.

If Cross swore him loyalty, Nightmare would shut Chara up and take Cross with him, out of this empty hellhole.

Cross, desperate enough to make a deal with the devil, agreed and swore on his honor as Royal Guard to follow Nightmare.

Pleased, the entity offered his hand to Cross and, when he took it, pulled him through a portal of darkness.

He brought Cross to his headquarter, a medieval, sturdy castle in an dead AU.

Here, he used his Magic to seal Chara and then introduced Cross to his other subordinates, Killer, Dust and Horror.

Cross learned that Nightmare lived to spread Negativity and that it was the Trio's, and now also his, purpose to assist him by scaring and terrorizing the inhabitants of the AUs, Nightmare sent them to.

Cross wasn't happy with this, he once had sworn an oath to protect others in his position as a guard, but he was Nightmare's now, and to do as Nightmare told him. He wasn't there to be happy.

Cross had sworn loyalty and Cross was honest and loyal to a fault. Chara had mocked him often for this trait of his and even compared him to a dog.

The Trio did too, after a while.

Cross ignored it as best as he could.

Time flies and before Cross knew it, years had passed.

Nightmare trusted Cross' loyalty enough to send him on solo missions to gather intel to plan a raid or to spy on chosen targets.

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