Breaking Dog

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Several feedings had occured since his 'talk' with Nightmare.

Cross had given Nightmare's words some thought, distracting him from the artificial Void around him for a while.

Nightmare wanted him as his personal pet, not just to torture Cross but to make sure he wouldn't leave ever again, not even when he'd get the opportunity. He wanted Cross to stay at his side on his own free will. Then he wouldn't need to keep him on a chain or treat him bad.

When Cross accepted Nightmare as his master and be an obedient good dog, he would be treated better. Nightmare always said to him, when he came to him, that good dogs were treated good, while bad dogs had to be punished.


Maybe he could accept Nightmare as his master? Not just adopting but embracing his appointed place. At Nightmare's side, at his feet.

At least he wouldn't have to think about anything else than obeying Night- no, Master, anymore.

He wouldn't have to suffer. He wouldn't have to fight. He wouldn't have to worry about anything.

Only follow his master's very word. Nothing more than a loyal, spoiled pet.

He wouldn't be alone anymore when he stayed at Master's feet.

It was so easy. Just give up the useless fight.

Let Master take care of everything.

Master knew best.

He would show him how to be a good dog. He said so himself oftentimes.

Master was good.

Master would help him.

When Nightmare came to him again, Cross cowered down in a submissive gesture, looking up at him with adoring eyes.

The dark being had already sensed the shift in Cross' attitude and got down on his knees to pet his dog, Cross nuzzling his hand with honest devotion. "Such a good boy, ain't you, boy?", he cooed.

He clicked his tongue and Cross got up, staying perfectly still for his master to remove the muzzle.

The next moment Cross was overrun by a wave of emotion, dissolving into a bad meltdown.

He collapsed and silently sobbed and gasped for breath in panic. It took him a while to become aware that Master was holding him, stroking his back slowly and cooing and murmuring gently to him. He allowed Cross enough Magic to shed tears and get all his overwhelming emotions out of his system.

He cried until he had tired himself out and could just lay there, his face pressed into Master's lap, his breath ragged from crying, still mute, he would have to be good for a while before Master would even consider giving him his voice back. But Master knew best after all. So it was alright.

"That's my good boy," Nightmare praised, "don't worry about anything, pup. Master will take care of everything. You ain't a person anymore now, you are no longer 'Cross', you are my good boy now and i will soon give you a new name. Like a master does with his new pup. Now, C'mon, get up and eat. You spent a lot of energy."

He helped his pup up and placed the bowl in front of him, not filled with mere food scraps but some sort of stew, warm and rich.

While the pup ate, Master kept petting him, lightly scratching the top of his skull. "I can't let you out immediately, i'm afraid. You first have to prove to be a good pup. But i will teach you."

When the pup had finished the stew, Master gave him a meaty bone to gnaw on, which he did as long as Master would let him.

After picking the bone clean and drinking his water, the pup laid down to sleep off his exhaustion.

Nightmare let him. He gave him one last pat and left him to a dreamless, restful sleep.

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