Stolen Dog

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Cross was a very popular Star member by now, always polite and friendly, honest and a tireless worker.

He and Dream, also, had something sweet going on between them for about three months now and Cross had become very protective of Dream.

They were so happy.

And again, Nightmare showed himself to terrorize another world.

And Ink was stars knew where, fighting Error. Great.

So it was Dream, Cross and Blue against Nightmare and his gang.

And the fight went south from the very beginning. Horror instantly locked Blue in an one on one battle and drove him backwards into the woods while Cross was left with Dust and Killer because Dream was busy with his brother.

Cross tanked a lot of hits but was eventually overpowered by the two mass murderers. Killer pinned his hands to a tree with one of his knives, which left Cross absolutely defenseless to the blows the pair delivered, until he sagged, putting all his weight on his pinned hands.

Killer pulled his knife free and held Cross' unconscious form upright against the tree trunk with his free hand, waving the knife in front of Cross' face, as if contemplating where and how to cut his face.

Suddenly, Blue broke through the shrubbery, scratched up and panting, Horror hard on his heels.

When Blue called for Cross and Dream, the latter looked around.

Nightmare used the chance, grabbed his distracted brother and threw him into the blue clad skeleton. In the hot second, Blue needed to catch Dream, Nightmare opened a portal underneath their feet and dropped them off in a negative AU, closing the portal as soon as the two were gone.

Dust patted still unconscious Cross' cheek. "That leaves only you, our little traitor," he said, almost affectionately.

Killer turned to Nightmare when he noticed his approach. "What are we gonna do with him, Boss? Dust him? Cripple him before sending him back? Oh, wait, i know. We use him as training dummy."

Nightmare looked Cross over, turning his dangling head this way and that. "Pretty good ideas, Killer. But i have something else in mind. We take him back to the castle. Treat his wounds and put him in one of the isolation cells."

Then he leaned closer to whisper into Cross' unhearing ear canal. "You've been a very bad dog, Cross. I'll teach you to be loyal to your master."

With that he opened a portal back to the castle and in the blink of an eye, they were gone.

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