Happy Dog

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Some years had gone by. No one had counted them.

Dream didn't want to know how long it had been since Cross wasn't anymore. He was barely over the grief of losing him.

The Council hadn't reacted that surprised when Dream told them, they had just descended into silence for a minute for their lost friend. They had given up hope for Cross being freed after the second month.

Then they all had properly mourned his death and hardly ever spoken about him.

However, it had been years now and the fights between Dream and Nightmare had reached a stalemate. It was then that Nightmare offered to discuss a peace treaty and invited Dream into his castle.

Tired of all this fighting, Dream agreed. The Council was against it, but couldn't stop Dream in his decision.

He and Blue waited to be picked up in an agreed upon AU. Nightmare materialized from the shadows, they exchanged curt greetings, then Nightmare opened a portal to the castle.

He led them to the living room, where they sat down, Dream and Blue on a sofa and Nightmare in his chair.

They hadn't really begun to discuss the treaty, when something rushed in with a loud happy bark and stormed to Nightmare.

"Ah, hey boy. I wondered when you would come," Nightmare said and patted some weird skeletal dog creature, like it seemed. Blue and Dream only saw its back and the wagging tail that poked out pu clean but slightly worn black shorts.

The... dog(?) sat down and looked around, and that was when the two Star Sanses saw that it had the face of a Sans. They immediately recognized the mismatched eyes and the small red scar.

"CROSS!?" Dream exclaimed. But the other didn't react to his name.

Nightmare stroke Cross' head gently. "Oh, you must be mistaken, brother. His name is Oreo." At the sound of the name Cross perked up and looked at Nightmare as if he had hung the moon and the stars into the night sky.

Dream couldn't believe it. He stared at Cross and took in the weird changes, he had undergone, making him looking uncanny.

He wore nothing except his shorts and a collar. It had a tag with the name 'Oreo' engraved in it. On his head were floppy ears made from ecto, and his limbs...

His limbs had obviously been remodeled, his hands looking like the paws of a blaster beast, only that he was missing both thumbs and the 'claw bones'. His legs were even more strange, his upper and lower leg bones had been shortened while his feet had been elongated, they were missing the claw bones as well. Front and hind paws were surrounded by soft ecto paw pads. And then there was the tail.

Dream realized there was really nothing left of Cross, only his face.

Dream was devastated.

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