Untouchable Dog

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One day, Master took Oreo out of the dungeon, upstairs to the ground level floor, to show him to the Trio.

Master introduced each of them to Oreo to make him understand that they belonged to Master too, not in the same way as Oreo tho.

After introductions, Master showed off how well he had trained his dog, the Trio reacting with amazement and amusement. "Wow, that's a brainwashing well done," Killer commented.

"Indeed," Master agreed, "but now it's time for you to train with him. It might be necessary for Oreo to follow you three one day. There also may be days when i am too busy and you will have to excercise and walk him. It might also requite you to punish him when he disobeys you. I don't want him afraid of you, but be strict, punish him when he disobeys or ignores you and reward him when he does as told."

"Can we bang him?", Killer asked. "Absolutely not," was the cold reply. "Oreo is an animal, you are not fucking animals as long as you work for me."

He paused.

"But, if you insist, Killer, there might be a way, it would just require an adjustment of your status." With that, Master pulled a collar from his inventory. "Of course, this adjustment would be permanent since these collars can't be taken off. You know that."

Killer gulped. "Thanks Boss, but i like my person privileges. I pass."

Master put the collar away. "Smart decision. But remember that i WILL put this collar on anyone who tries to do something improper with my dog. I won't give another warning.

Now it's time for you to get acqainted with my dog. Some volunteers?"

Horror stepped forward. Master gave him the leash and Horror began leading Oreo around and treating him like Master had told him. The same procedure went down with Killer as and Dust afterwards.

Oreo obeyed them because he understood Master expected it of him. But he wasn't as devoted to them as he was to Master, but that was fine.

That night, after dinner, where Oreo also got fed next to Master's seat, Master took him to his own bedroom, where a soft pet bed waited at the foot of Master's bed. Master gave him sign to lay down there, then tied Oreo's leash to the bedpost. Oreo fell asleep happily, close to Master, where he belonged.

During breakfast next morning, Master told the Trio to take care of Oreo because he himself had a lot of work to do and no time. So, they took him to the new Agility hall to play with him since it was raining outside. Here they played fetch and introduced some of the Agility obstacles to him, like the tunnel, the slalom, the catwalk or the seesaw.

Nightmare had mentioned to them that he planned to adjust Oreo's assets so he would be able to run and jump efficiently, but he wanted Oreo to settle first.

Whatever 'adjustment' meant.

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