Named Dog

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The pup was lying in the dark, waiting for Master like a good pup.

He felt the shift when Master materialized and his godly blue eye looked at him. The pup huffed excitedly and got up, wiggling his rear as if wagging a tail.

"That's enough, pup," Nightmare said audibly delighted at the display. "It's time to train you, pup. First you have to learn your name."

The pup could hardly keep still. A name? Given to him by Master? He wanted to hear it.

Nightmare chuckled, sensing his pet's excitement. "Okay, okay, listen. From now on your name is 'Oreo'. Understood? O-re-o."

Oreo was ecstatic. This was the best name, given by the best Master.

"I see you like the name, Oreo. I already have it engraved on your foodbowl, you only won't be able to see it in the darkness."

Oreo felt Master's hand on the front of his collar, where the chain was attached. A moment later said chain clinked on the floor between Oreo's paws, which Master also unchained.

"Not much space here, but it will do for the start," Master said more to himself.

He stepped back as far as he could. Then he looked at Oreo and gave a short whistle, before calling, "Oreo, here!"

For a few confused seconds Oreo just stood there and tried to figure out what Master wanted from him. He wanted to do the right thing to make Master happy.

Master repeated the command. "Here, Oreo, come here!"

Come? To Master? Well, of course. If that was what Master wanted.

Carefully, Oreo set one paw in front of the other and, stiff and weakened from months of immobility, crawled towards the blue light that was Master's eye.

When he reached him Master praised Oreo for understanding so quick. He used Oreo's name as often as possible to ingrain it in his pup's brain as deeply as possible.

Then Master went over to the other end of the small room, Master called a kennel now, and again gave Oreo the command.

This time he followed it immediately, now that he knew what it meant.

They went back and forth a few more times, before Master called, "Cross, here!"

Oreo ignored the command not meant for him. His name was Oreo, after all, not 'Cross'.

Then Master called again, "Oreo, here!" And Oreo obeyed eagerly, receiving pets and praises for being such a good boy.

Master trained with him a little longer, calling for a 'Cross' a few more times, which always went ignored by Oreo.

Eventually Master guided Oreo back to the center of the kennel, where he chained him up again, before going on with the usual feeding routine by taking off the muzzle and placing the foodbowl in front of Oreo, who obediently waited until Master allowed him to eat.

After lapping up his water, Oreo lifted his head from the bowl and kept still until Master had put the muzzle back on and picked up the empty bowl.

With a few last pets and friendly words he left and Oreo laid down and was soon deeply asleep, dreaming of Master.

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