Dog Trainer

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In his throne room, Nightmare smirked.

His dog was bound to wear himself down with his anxiety and spiraling. Nightmare would only have to tweak Cross' dreams a little.

Cross had a tendency to doubt what he used to know way too fast. Using his dreams to make him doubt, then distrust and finally fear everyone beside Nightmare and the Trio, would be a piece of cake.

First he had to break the will of his dog. He would teach him to accept his fate, show him that it was for the better, beneficial even, when he acted as he was supposed to.

He would show him what a good Master he could be for Cross. He would spoil him as soon as he had learned to behave.

He would train Cross to follow the usual commands.

He also would have to teach Cross to obey the Trio, it could be essential one day and they could take Cross on walks and excercise him when he himself was too busy.

Maybe he shouldn't have crippled Cross' limbs that way.

He could have taught him Agility.

It would have been quite entertaining watching Cross jump over hurdles or through hoops and that on all fours.


Maybe there was a way...

But that was ways ahead in the future.

First he needed to tame his naughty dog.

Meaning, keep him in isolation, in absolute darkness and silence, and only visit him to feed him. He would be Cross' only company and that only for as long as the feedings would take.

The loneliness, the isolation, the pain, darkness and silence, and the nightmares would wear him down, chipping away at his sanity, until he would break.

It was only a matter of time and Cross would eat from Nightmare's hand. Literally.

He couldn't wait.

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