Lost Dog

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It was on one of those solo missions, that Cross got caught in a trap of the residents and was found by the Star Sanses.

Ink and Blue immediately wanted to take Cross prisoner and Dream, who was more worried about Cross' wellbeing, was outvoted before they even could discuss the matter.

One way or the other, Cross was freed from the trap and the injury he got was treated, before they took him to the Doodlesphere and locked him up in the basement, where Ink just created a Magic resistant prison cell.

At least the cell was clean an relatively spacious. Cross had enough room to do a little workout to satisfy his need for physical activity.

Of course it wasn't good for his wounded leg, but he would get restless if he couldn't move.

When Blue brought him food later that day, the former guard was pleasantly surprised that it were Tacos. And they were good to boot.

Blue noticed how Cross perked up and filed that information away. He tried some smalltalk, but Cross focused on the food and kept silent.

He was still a prisoner, after all, not their guest. He couldn't trust them. He had vowed to stay loyal to Nightmare, his, not so new, master.

Gods, he really was a dog. Pathetic.

During the days that followed, Ink tried to question him, Blue and Dream always breathing down his neck to not stoop so low as to torture or threaten Cross. That was more down Nightmare's alley.

Cross was treated decently, friendly even. Dream tried to talk to him, asked him if he was afraid of Nightmare, that he kept silent.

Cross slowly realized, how used he had gotten to being treated as a doormat by Nightmare, being his lowly dog, who only waited to jump at his master's command and do his bidding.

Cross was sick of it, but what could he do? He was Nightmare's now, he had sworn on his honor, and he owed him.

Nightmare had freed him from Chara and he had freed him from his personal prison. And Cross was a monster of his word.

Dream felt his inner turmoil and tried to help Cross figure it out.

Cross was surprised by Dream's sympathy. The bright Guardian understood how Cross felt about vows and promises, and that he felt he owed Nightmare for freeing him.

Still, he offered Cross a place with the Star Sanses, a safe place to stay, good food, true friends. He wouldn't even have to share what he knew about Nightmare's secrets, they would respect that, but they wanted to help him, give him the chance to make his own choices, even stupid, childish decisions if he felt like it.

Cross fought long with himself, with his conscience, but eventually chose the chance to experience happiness.

Over the course of the following weeks and months, beginning two months after he was 'captured' by the Stars, he was introduced to the Council. It took a while for some of them to warm up to him, mostly those who met him in battle when he was still with Nightmare, but slowly but surely Cross gained acceptance and then even the friendship of many original Sanses and swapverse Papyri.

He felt safe and accepted with his friends, and finally mustered up the courage to accompany the Stars when they went to fight Nightmare and his gang.

He used his knowledge about the gang to his advantage, but he only ever fought the Trio, knowing he wouldn't be able to look his former king into the eye.

He also knew Nightmare would only use any given opportunity to play mind games with him, clawing at his conscience and honor as a guard. Remind him of his oath.

So, it became kind of a routine, Cross and Blue fought the Trio while Dream and Ink focused on Nightmare, and that way a little more than two years went by.

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