Trained Dog

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It happened!

Master took Oreo out of his kennel. He said, the kennel was too small for proper training.

After being kept so long in absolute darkness that he couldn't remember what the outside world looked like, Oreo felt a little overwhelmed just by the look of the stone walls around him. Master's dungeon.

Master gave him time to get used to seeing again and let him look around a little, before he repeated the excercise from the kennel, the "here" command.

For the next step Master put a leash on Oreo, before saying, "Oreo, heel!", walking a few steps, until Oreo felt the pull of the leash. He understood that the leash tethered him to Master, meaning he had to follow him to not be dragged by it.

So he scrambled to catch up to Master and tried to match his pace as they walked in circles around the space in front of the cells, paying no attention to the prisoners that were watching in horror at the display of Nightmare's brainwashing.

Master stopped every now and then, only to repeat the new command and start walking again.

When he was sure Oreo had learned the new command, he took off the leash and tried the command again.

Oreo followed him eagerly.

Over the following weeks, Master taught Oreo the basic commands and wordless gestures like whistles, snapping and pointing or hand gestures.

He taught him 'Sit', 'Lay down', 'Stay', 'Roll over', 'Shake', and even 'Speak', even if Oreo's version of it what just a silent huff.

Master also left the muzzle off now, saying Oreo was such a good boi and good bois don't have to be muzzled as long as they behave.

He rewarded Oreo with small treats and pets.

His first step in getting Oreo used to being out of his kennel was to just let the door open and not chaining him up anymore. He wanted to see how Oreo would react, if he would react to the prisoners when he wasn't around.

Some of them tried to get Oreo's attention and to talk to him, not believing Oreo wasn't pretending. But the loyal pet ignored them, explored the nooks and crannys in the dungeon and spent his time otherwise with waiting for Master.

But he never even glanced at the stairs that lead up and whenever Master came down again, Oreo crawled before him, rolled on the floor and showed a plethora of submissive gestures, eager to please his Master.

Master was so proud of him.

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