Designer Dog

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After several months of settling in, Master used his Magic to put Oreo to sleep.

When he woke up again, he felt weird and his limbs hurt. He looked around and found himself in his bed in Master's bedroom. There were strange aparatuses on his front paws, keeping each toe in a certain position, using wires and screws in a titanium frame.

Something similar was going on with his hind legs, only that his leg bones were broken in several places and carefully splinted. Around his hind paws were titanium frames and plates and screws and wires.

He gave a soft whine, Master had given him his voice back not long ago.

Master was there, gently petting his head and offering words of comfort.

Because of his hind legs Oreo couldn't move around and was bedbound for the next weeks.

Sometimes adjustments had to be made, then Master would put him to sleep again and when he woke up, he would feel the pull or pressure of the screws and wires.

Slowly his bones healed, Master directly manipulating the flow of Magic to help it along, until the frame could be taken off of his front paws and his paw pads formed for the first time.

While Oreo got used to the new feeling of his remodeled paws, his hind legs kept healing.

Just now Oreo also noticed his new tail.

After he was all healed it took a lot of getting used to to learn how to walk on his new legs and how to control his tail.

But Master was patient with him and helped him whenever he got stuck and slowly Oreo learned to move with grace and efficiency, getting faster every day.

After learning how to do the jumps in the Agility Parcours, Oreo was taken to the forest by Horror and taught how to hunt. It became something they both enjoyed together, the thrill, the speed, the fulfillment when they were successful.

After Master, Horror was Oreo's favorite person for he often gave him a treat, a bone, and of course because of the hunts.

Dust was good for quiet walks while Killer liked to play rough with him and could throw a ball

But Master was the best. Ever.

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