More Dogs?

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Nightmare fondled Oreo's ears. "Such a good boy, aren't you, Oreo?" Oreo barked an affirmative.

Dream couldn't take his eyes off of Oreo. "Brother, what did you do to him?", he asked shocked.

"Oh, not much," Nightmare purred, "i only showed him his place and helped him ease into it, helped him accept it. He is much happier now, that he doesn't have to fight or worry about anything anymore."

Dream couldn't deny the unbridled trust and affection Cross felt for Nightmare. He realized, Cross was too far gone to be ever brought back to his senses. And even if, wasn't it better for him to be happy and ignorant than sane and becoming mental from the trauma. Maybe he should just be grateful that Cross was still alive, even if he wasn't himself anymore.

"You know," Nightmare mused aloud, "a lot of unnecessary fights could have been avoided if you would have put Ink on a leash and kept him under control.

Maybe i should do it with you...

Pfft, i'm just joking. This is still a castle and not a pet shelter, and i am too busy to keep too many pets.

Still, i COULD take you and Blue as my pets, Oreo could use some more company of other pets.

It wouldn't matter for the balance, after all. As long as we are both alive the balance is stable. I took care of it on my own when you were trapped in stone for 500 years.

Ink would soon forget about you and the Council is a bunch of cowards. They wouldn't do anything, even if they knew where this place is.

It would be so easy to take another pet without anyone noticing, with all those Sanses travelling the multiverse, Sanses without their own AU, like you two, Abyss, that brat Template, and all those other strays. I could take which ever and no one would miss them.

I actually already did."

He snapped his fingers and another 'dog' came in, the scar on his left eye marked him as Epic. His movements were unsteady, apparently he wasn't used yet to his dog legs.

"This is Meme. He is still adjusting. He's only allowed to move freely around the castle without supervision because he clings to Oreo, who has free range for years now."

At the sight of Dream, Meme shied back and tried to hide behind Oreo, who gently nudged him.

"How did you manage to take Epic prisoner?", Dream asked.

"Believe it or not, but he agreed on his own free will to this," Nightmare replied.

"I was on a walk with Oreo in an empty AU, around a year ago, when Epic showed up. He demanded to know what has happened to his 'bestie'. I offered to show him and that he could stay together with his dear friend when he agreed to my conditions. Otherwise he wouldn't see him ever again.

He asked for the catch and i openly told him that he would have to become like Oreo. He agreed.

He became my dog by choice.

He's a little more feisty, but he's coming around and they are both happy and contend." Nightmare patted Meme's head and scratched Oreo's ears.

"Now, i suggest we take up the negotiations again. And no, there's nothing to negotiate about my dogs."

Horror came in with refreshments. He put the tray on the coffee table and asked quietly if he should take the dogs for a walk.

"No, thank you, Horror. They aren't bothering us." Horror nodded at that and left while Oreo sat at Nightmare's feet, his chin on his Master's knee, who was talking with Dream and Blue.

~Fin ~

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