Eighteen | Widespread News

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The morning was known for bringing clarity.

For bringing reasoning and reassurance.

It's the sole reason why you sleep on decisions before making them.

But on this bright morning glowing with the bright sun and cloudless blue skies, I felt far from reasonable or reassured.

I also felt the weight of my lack of sleep tugging at my mental capacity.

Is it possible that the morning can shed an unwanted amount of light instead?

Lighting up all your previous worries and making them burn even clearer before you?

All the uncertainty lurking in the shadows of the night had disintegrated into something that was much more certain.

Much more real.

Something that the night couldn't help me escape.

All I could do was hope that the night was good for one thing.

And that was time.

With time came a solution.

Hopefully, they found one when it came to Seraphina and Marcela.

- Azzy

Chapter Eighteen: Widespread News

The cream blazer dress fell to my lower thighs, clinging at my waist and illuminating a small amount of my chest—while black stockings clung to my exposed long legs.

My soft pink hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail that illuminated my face covered with the heavier amount of makeup I wore, which wasn't necessarily by choice.

My team had dressed and prepared me for the day, and this happened to be the look.

To make me look more mature was how they put it.

My shiny black stilettos clicked precisely against the marble floors as I made my way to the main area of Alvaro's estate, feeling my anxiety spiral with each step that I took.

I knew that they would either have news or still nothing to go off of.

I couldn't tell which was worse.

The sound of the TV echoed throughout the lower level as I made my way through the modern estate—following the sound of muffled noise.

My walking paused, the clicking of my heels halting as my eyes glanced around the familiar living room that we all stood in last night.

Guards lined the edges of the room while my parents stood by Alvaro and Renata.

Everyone's attention remained focused on the large TV in front of them—even with my sudden presence lingering in the room.

My eyes followed everyone's line of sight, furrowing my brows as I listened to Fox News report on various things happening this morning.

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