Fifty-Nine | Mutual Differences

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Murder... the brutal act of severing a life before its time, before the chance to experience one more breathtaking sunset or the tickle of summer grass between the toes.

I had always been a sensitive person.

It came naturally to me.

I could never read books where animals were somewhat involved, dreading even the merest idea of them being harmed.

Even Ciel, my corgi companion, had left a gaping hole in my life after his passing.

Months of mourning had turned into a resolute refusal to open my heart to another furry friend.

So even the smallest idea of someone's life being taken from them made my stomach ache.

It made my head hurt trying to understand performing such an act.

The strangest part about it?

I hadn't done anything, yet it felt like there was blood on my hands.

Almost like a bottle of red wine had spilled gruesomely on a beautiful white carpet, ruining it completely.

The stain would be there forever, leaving a horrifying mark.

I had somehow formed a guilty conscience of Renata's wrongdoings, reliving our conversation over and over again in that garden.

And an explanation wouldn't mend this wound—just like scrubbing the stain out of the pristine white carpet wouldn't make it go away.

It would only make it worse.

- Azzy

Chapter Fifty-Nine: Mutual Differences

I drew in a deep breath, carefully dabbing under my eyes lined precisely with makeup.

But even as I dabbed the tears away, more seemed to gather in my eyes.

I sighed brokenly, taking in my reflection in the hotel mirror, the frenetic energy of New York City a constant hum just beyond the hotel window.

It didn't feel right being back here.

But I had already signed the paper—we had already formed an alliance, and I needed to be at this event.

Even if seeing her felt like the last thing I could possibly do right now.

"Azzy," Antonio's soft voice echoed in my ears.

I continued dabbing my eyes, "Yes?" I whispered.

Antonio frowned at me through the mirror, "Are you sure you want to attend tonight? I could form a reasonable excuse on your behalf?" he offered.

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