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he starts on another cigarette, clear that he wanted to stay out here longer. it's weird being alone with johnnie, but also comforting and peaceful. the scent of cigarette smoke is still in the air, and the sun is almost gone.

I would be more nervous if I was sober, due to my terrible anxiety. I'm greatful for the alcohol that I consumed now, but I won't be in the morning.

"I'm really glad you moved in with us y/n, you've made us all a lot happier in these past few days," he opens up to me, blowing more smoke into the air. my cheeks heat up, but it's hard to see since it's getting dark. I don't know why this keeps happening to me.

"I'm glad I moved in with you too, you guys are seriously my favorite people and I've only known you and jake for less than a week. it's crazy how close we've all gotten already," I manage to get that out without stuttering or slurring as much, surprisingly. I take another sip of my drink and johnnie giggles.

he goes silent all of a sudden, and it sends me into shock when he lifts his arm and pulls me into his side, giving me a hug. he keeps his arm there, and gives me a smirk.

"thanks for keeping me company out here, I appreciate it y/n. once you finish your drink we can head out with the others. we've been a while," he thanks me, and I smile bigger than I have in months.

we sit for a little longer, and I take the last sip of my drink. he pats me on the back and removes his hand from my body, signaling that we're about to leave now.

"I'll go find tara and you go find jake, then we can go," I tell him while trying to stand in these stupid ass heels. he nods his head and we both head back into the party, johnnie heading off to find jake.

it doesn't take me long to find tara, because she was basically right next to the door. she's talking to matt and madi. I havent even seen them yet. I walk over, interested in their conversation.

"oh hey y/n! we were liiiiterally just talking about youuuuhh," tara manages to slur out. she might be just a bit drunk.

"you were? what about?" I ask, genuinely wondering why they would be talking about me when I wasn't even here.

"about how cute you and johnnie looked out there, duuuh!" madi whisper yells to me, ushering tara to show me something from her phone. they saw me? oh shit.

tara pulls out her phone, almost dropping it in the process. she turns it around to show me. it's a picture of johnnie and I, sitting outside. his arm was wrapped around my side, pulling me in close. the sun was still in frame, but stars were visible. I gasp.

"why were y'all even out there what the hell, plus were literally opposites. have you seen us?" I say, trying to get myself out of this.

"well, tara said she was looking for you. and since I'm sober and was aware of my surroundings, I saw johnnie go outside, and you too later on. so I told her you were there and they saw it, sorry y/n. you guys did look cute, I admit," matt says, informing me on the situation. I roll my eyes and giggle, flicking matt on the shoulder. he sticks his tongue out at me. I decide to change the subject.

"anyways, we're gonna head out tara. you coming with us? it's getting kinda late. johnnie is getting jake right now," I ask, starting to get tired of walking around in these shoes. she nods her head and says goodbye to matt and madi, following behind me.

now to find jake and johnnie. I start to look around, but tara starts tapping my shoulder rapidly.

"look lookkk! over there, by the drinks!" she points across the room, johnnie is gripping on to jakes arm, dragging him over to us. they finally make it to us after about a minute of shoving past people.

"I'm fucking exhausted, let's get outa here," jake says, getting his keys from his pocket. I don't think he cares that he had a drink a bit ago, he just wants to leave. (don't drink and drive)

we say goodbye to friends that we see on the way out the door, and we're finally outside. fresh air.  the problem is, we all had something to drink, and we came in two cars. tara was absolutely wasted, so I guess I have to drive.

I help her into the passenger seat, and buckle her up, she mumbles thank you and rests her head against the car window.


I managed to get us home safely. we got home before jake and johnnie, so I become a bit worried. I also had managed to carry tara to the couch, and she's already asleep. I wait on the other side of the couch and scroll through my phone while I wait for jake and johnnie to get back. I take note of a notification from earlier, tara posted on instagram.

just as I'm about to press it, I hear the front door open and slam back shut. thank god. I run up to the boys and pull them into a hug, thankful they made it back. johnnie flinches, but leans into it after a second.

"sorry sorry, just thankful you guys made it back alright," I apologize, slightly embarrassed by my actions.

"you're good, I'm glad you made it back safe too," jake says, slipping his shoes off. he tells johnnie and I that he's going to bed, and quickly heads up the stairs to his room. since tara's asleep, it's just johnnie and I now.

"I'm not tired yet, do you wanna do something?" he asks, going to the fridge and grabbing two dr peppers. he hands one to me.

"sure, what do you have in mind? it's fucking 2 am," I remind him of the time.

"you down to stream? we could just talk or something," he says starting to walk up the stairs. I follow behind him.

"sure, why not!" I crack open my dr pepper once we make it to johnnies room. soon we're all set up and ready to stream in the early hours of the morning.

𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝟏𝟎𝟖𝟕 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬

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