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"I've just been..so anxious. I've realized a few things in the last day, and I'm so overwhelmed," I confess to her as the tears continue to pour down my face.

she rubs my back to try and comfort me, understanding what I told her.

"that doesn't make it alright to ignore your roommate though y/n, he's blaming this on himself. are you okay with telling me why?" she asks, grabbing my chin so I would look at her.

with still teary eyes, I sigh. I guess I'd have to tell her at some point.

"I...I think I have feelings for johnnie. I don't know what to do because I really can't like someone. especially right now. and my roommate.. I'm just so anxious and it set me off when he came into the room...I'm sorry tara," the tears start to fall again as my hands and legs shake once more.

"oh, honey.. I could tell from the moment you two met. it's totally okay to have feelings for johnnie, you two are perfect for each other. trust me. you don't have to tell him immediately. I know it's difficult realizing your feelings for someone, but I promise everything will be just fine," she pulls me in a tight hug and kisses me on the cheek.

"I just got so anxious after I saw your post on insta, I'm so scared I'm gonna get hate for being so close with johnnie. I'm not upset with you for posting it, just a little taken aback," I admit to her, worried for her response.

"I should have waited and asked for your permission, I'm so sorry y/n. don't let the haters get to you, it's your life, and they're jealous. I hope you can forgive me," she apologizes, guilt filling her eyes.

"I accept your apology tara, we're best friends after all," we hug for the millionth time, and smile at each other.

we end up laying down on my bed, and turning on my tv. we decide to watch one of her youtube videos, laughing at funny moments.

she understands me so well, I'm feeling a bit better already. she snaps a picture of us laying in my bed, and posts it to her insta story. "lazy day!"

after a few minutes of watching her video, "*attempting* to carve halloween pumpkins" she gasps as she looks at her phone.

"y/n! look who liked my storyyyyy!!" she shoves her phone in my face. as I read the screen, I realize, that the one and only johnnie guilbert had liked the story of tara and I. what the fuck.

I can feel my cheeks heat up, as I read some of the replies to the story.

"she looks like she's been crying☹️ I hope she's doing okay"

"I hope johnnie kicked her out"

"she looks sad, take care of her tara!"

"I think he totally likes you back girl," tara says, trying to keep her voice down. I just shake my head at her. there's no way, johnnie guilbert, who has the best style ever, likes a basic ass girl like me. I won't believe it for a second. I'm not gonna end up telling him.

but little do I know..


johnnie sighs as he walks up the stairs soon after tara went to find y/n. he feels frustrated at himself. what could he have done to fuck this up?

he feels bad, but also confused. he feels nauseous and uneasy as he gets closer to y/n's door. he can hear soft crying as he passes. he stops in his tracks. he can't help himself but wonder what he did. he sits down and leans his ear against the door.

"I...I think I have feelings for johnnie.."

guilt fills his body immediately as he stands up, shocked from the information he just heard. as he makes it to his room, he realizes...

she likes me back ?!


I decide to text matt and madi back since I haven't updated them all day, and they're probably curious. I have to leave out half of the situation, you know why.

a few minutes ago, tara had left the room to go get dunkin, while I continue to lay in my bed. I finally decide to stop being lazy and pick up my phone. I don't have any notifications from the group chat, but I text it anyway.

y/n - hey guys! so I told tara how I felt and she felt really bad and apologized. we're all good and I'm a little less stressed now. thanks guys for caring about me it means a lot!

matt - I'm glad you're okay! I get how you feel because I also struggle with anxiety so I'm always here if you need me

madi - thanks for updating us! so sorry again for the situation and im glad you're doing better bae 💗

I unplug my phone from the charger. I decided I haven't posted on instagram in a while, so I decide to take a cute mirror selfie.

I pose in the mirror as I snap a few photos, even though I'm in a lazy outfit with no makeup on. I don't really care and anyone who does can suck my dick.

I add a cute one of me smiling, my phone covering a little bit of my face, and another one of me flipping the camera off, slightly blurry.

I fix the quality on both, and add a caption.

"rough day"

I end up deciding to add a song. I scroll through my recommended. with a slight smirk appearing on my face, I tap on the song "angel of death" and you can guess who it's by.

maybe tara is right. it might be worth a shot to at least try to get him to like me back or show some interest in me.

I feel so much better than I did this morning as I slide the song to what part I want, and I hit the post button.

not even 5 minutes later, I get multiple notifications on instagram.

2000+ new followers

235 new comments

12,000 new likes

- johnnie guilbert liked your photo

I smile at the notifications. people seem to recognize me from the video we filmed, tara's post, or possibly johnnie's live. I notice that johnnie had commented on my post.

"a woman posting to my song? I just fainted"

I giggle at his comment, he was probably just joking. I can feel the heat taking over my body as I stare at the comment for another 10 minutes.

it cant get any better than this right?



johnnie reposted my photo with a fucking heart on his story. WHAT.

𝐭𝐞𝐧 - 𝟏𝟏𝟐𝟓 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬

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