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it's been over a day since I realized my feelings for johnnie, and I've barely left my room. I've just been too nervous to interact with him. I'll have to do it at some point.

I climb out of bed slowly, and decide to get ready. I put on an "americas favorite ladies" tshirt (which jake supplied me with), and some cute shorts to match the shirt. I add my black converse and nike socks to the look.

once I brush my teeth, braid my hair, and apply deodorant and my signature perfume, I decide that it's time to go downstairs.

I'm eager to do something today because of how long I trapped myself in my room. I head down the stairs, sitting on the couch and turning on the tv. I watch whatever I can find for a bit.

not to long after, jake walks down the stairs and into the room.

"hey! we matched bestieee," he says as he strikes a pose. we both wore the same shirt today. I giggle at him.

he runs out of the room for god knows what reason, and comes back with an annoyed tara by his side.

"TAKE A PICTURE OF US RIGHT NOW!" he says, wrapping his arm around my neck and sticking his tongue out, a silly pose for a silly picture.

"THANKS TAR!" he says as tara hands his phone back and grabs her purse.

"where you guys headed?" I ask, still wanting to do something today after being trapped inside my room.

"jake and I have a podcast episode to shoot, but johnnie's gonna be here all day," she tells me, sending me a secret wink. I roll my eyes at her. does she have to make it this obvious?

nevermind. jake is a bit oblivious. he's busy messing with one of his lip piercings. tara comes over to me, leaning close to my ear.

"maybe ask him to hang out and go somewhere, he'll definitely say yes," she blows me a kiss and drags jake out the door.

shit. I guess I have to interact with johnnie. how am I gonna do this without having an anxiety attack? good fucking question. I'm gonna do it anyways though because what else is there to do here alone.

to stall, I pull out my phone. jake posted on insta. unsurprisingly, he posted the picture of us we just took. captioned "i didn't force her to match I swear" I decide to comment on the post and upload it to my story.

"he held me at gunpoint before this" I giggle at my own little joke. I look through a few of the comments. most of them are positive. thank god. there's one I come across that I can't keep my eyes off of though.

johnnie guilbert - y/n is serving c word 🖤 (cute)

I like his comment, not realizing that I peeled most of my lip skin off to the point of bleeding. I wipe my lips off, and set my phone down. time to somehow ask johnnie if he wants to do something together after avoiding him for the past few days.

I drag my feet along the floor as I head for the stairs, trying my best to go the slowest I can. my anxiety is kicking in as I go up each step. he's probably pissed at me for ignoring him, I hope he can forgive me.

I slowly open his door, fearing how this interaction will go. he's sitting on his bed, guitar in hand, strumming the strings. his hair is teased and straightened like always, and he's wearing some skinny jeans with a black hoodie.

he lifts his head as he realizes I opened his door, his eyes widen in shock as he notices that it's me who wants to talk to him. he gives me a smile after comprehending my appearance.

"hey johnnie, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today and maybe run to dunkin with me if you're up for it. jake and tara went to film a podcast," I ask him, fiddling with my finger nails. his smile becomes bigger when he realizes that I want to hang out with him, and he stands up from his sitting position.

"of course I do, I'm bored here anyway. we can do whatever you want," he walks out of his room and I follow. I'm glad he's not upset with me after what I did.

since johnnie can't drive, I get in the driver seat while he gets in the passenger seat. I plug my phone in and play one of my favorite songs, ilomilo by billie eilish. I sigh and think about how I should apologize to johnnie for my actions, I think now is the best time since we're alone.

"hey..johnnie, I'm really sorry for ignoring you the other day. I've just been having anxiety issues and I was struggling. it's not an excuse for what I did though, so I hope you can forgive me," my arms start to shake as I grip the steering wheel tighter, knuckles turning white.

his cheeks start to gain some color as he listens to me speak, and he looks relieved when I finish my sentence.

"I forgive you y/n, I always will. we're roommates, and obviously friends. I totally get what you're saying as someone who also struggles with anxiety, you're all good," he looks around the car, now seeming anxious about something.

he avoids looking in my eyes. did I piss him off? I almost flinch when he slowly picks up his arm. he places it on my thigh. his thumb rubbing against my skin.

"I hope hanging out for the day can make you feel better," he says, face red as he stares ahead at the road. I get a weird tingly feeling in my stomach, am I getting butterflies? I thought that shit was fake, but when it comes to johnnie guilbert, anything is possible.

I try my best not to stutter or mess up my driving when I ask him a question.

"are y-you alright with going to dunkin? we can go somewhere else if you don't want it," I give him the choice. obviously I want dunkin. dunkin girlie for life.

"no that's fine, whatever you want. I want you to feel better today," he flashes me his signature smile and he looks back out the window, hand still rested on my thigh.

I'm still blushing hard once we finally make it to dunkin. we both decide that we want to sit and eat inside. my body feels like it's missing something when he pulls his hand off my thigh, and unbuckling his seatbelt.

we walk close, side by side into the local dunkin' donuts. this man is gonna be the death of me.

𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 - 𝟏𝟏𝟒𝟔 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬

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