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I head up to the counter to order. my obsession with refreshers is insane, so I order a large strawberry dragonfruit refresher. I also order a bagel to go with it.

once I go to put my card into the machine, johnnie steps in front of me. what is he doing? of course, being johnnie guilbert, he slips his card into the machine.

"johnnie, you don't need to pay for my shit, you've already done enough for me," I'm so incredibly grateful to have a boy like johnnie by my side. he just rolls his eyes and ushers me to go find a table. this kid.

I find a table and sit as he orders his food. while I wait, I feel my phone ring in my pocket. I take it out, and obviously it's the one and only tara yummy giving me a call. I answer almost immediately.

"hey tar, what's up?" I ask as I start taking my food out of the bag it came in.

"soooo how'd it go with you know who?" I can hear her smirk through the phone, I assume she's still with jake, not wanting to spill the secret.

"welll, I asked to hang out and now we're at dunkin. we're probably gonna go to some other places too. he literally put his hand on my thigh on the drive here, I think I'm going insane tar," I start telling her, but end my yap session early when I realize johnnie was on his way over to the table I'm sitting at.

I can hear tara squealing through the phone, and jake questioning her in the background. I tell her I have to go and that I would see her soon, hanging up the phone right when johnnie gets to the table. we both have our food out now, sitting across from each other.

we talk for a long time, even after we finish our food. we talk about our families, what we like, music, social media, and la in general.

"I'm having a great time with you y/n, I think we're gonna be really close. where do you wanna go now?" he asks me from across the table.

"I'm having a great time too! oh my god, johnnie. wanna go get tattoos? I don't have any yet and I've been wanting one for so long!" his eyes widen with excitement when he hears what comes out of my mouth. he grabs my hands and shakes them around, showing how excited he is.

"YES PLEASE, you will literally pull it off so well," we laugh a bit more before we leave. I take a picture of him sitting and smiling with a thumbs up, you can tell that we're at dunkin from the background. I upload the cute picture to my story.

we get back into the car, johnnie telling me the way to his favorite tattoo shop while we listen to my shuffled playlist.

we arrive at the place in no time, and we make it to the front desk. johnnie goes to the other side of the room, and I'm lead in the opposite direction. he's getting a bigger tattoo than I am, so we have different artists.

I decide on a billie eilish lyric, right on my rib cage. "nothing is better sometimes" from when the partys over.

my tattoo takes way less time than johnnies, and it wasn't very painful. I thank my artist, pay up front, and then find a seat as I wait for johnnie. I look over at him, shirtless. he's biting his lip harshly, in pain from the large tattoo needle in his side.

I cant help but feel my stomach churn looking at his facial expressions, and his body. he's so breathtaking, I can't stop myself from staring.

I don't realize how long I'd been staring, because johnnie is now done, paying up front. his tattoo is bleeding, and it's all bandaged up. he walks over to me after he puts his shirt back on.

"show me yours!" he whispers all giddy, still not knowing what I got and where I got it. I lift up my shirt, exposing a little bit of my lace bra, showing him my tattoo. I can see his facial expression change, his face growing red for the millionth time today. he caresses my skin below the tattoo. it sends a shiver down my spine.

"it's stunning y/n, it really suits you," he says as I put my shirt back down.

"thank you, now show me yours!" he lifts his shirt back up, exposing his side and part of his back. he had gotten a huge red and black tattoo, and I'll admit. it's pretty hot, and it goes well with all of his other tattoos. I don't realize how much I've been staring until he smirks and laughs at me, pulling his shirt down again. I almost frown.

"it's really bloody johnnie," I try to act grossed out, but it doesn't really work well.

"yeah, I have to reapply bandages once we get home," he says, bright blue eyes still staring into mine. we get into the car, johnnie wincing in pain as he sits down. that was hot.

I drive us home, happy with the day that we shared. I find myself getting sadder once we get closer to the house, our day is coming to an end.

once we get inside, I sit on the couch and apply some lotion on to my tattoo. this makes it feel so much better. it kind of jumps me when johnnie comes out of the bathroom and into the living room where I am, sitting next to me.

I'm so drawn to him. his features stand out sitting so close to him. his eyes, his skin, his makeup, and his tattoos. he's so attractive to me.

"y/n, could you help me rebandage my tattoo? I cant reach it very well since it's closer to my back," he asks, seeming kind of anxious to ask me.

"of course johnnie, just let me go get some bandages and some more lotion, I'll be back," I just realize as I walk to the bathroom that I have to touch johnnies skin. fucking shit. I'm back sitting next to johnnie in an instant. this time, with bandages and lotion.

"is this okay?" I ask him, slightly tugging at the bottom of his shirt. he nods his head. I lift his shirt almost completely so I can see his tattoo. I slowly take the old bandages off, trying not to hurt him. I apply each new one on the tattoo, spreading the lotion on his soft skin.

"all done," I put his shirt back down, looking back up at johnnie. his eyes are locked with mine, filled with something that looks like lust.

𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞 - 𝟏𝟏𝟒𝟓 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬

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