Prologue, Part 1: Brotherly Bonds

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-15XX (~500 Years Ago)-

-Vermillion Enclave Outskirts, Transylvania-

The dense, dark, and dreary forests far past the civilizations of Transylvania were—for the most part—quiet, tranquil, and accommodating to all the wildlife within them. Almost nothing major went on, and every being associated with it largely lived in peace.

But not tonight.

Tonight, a raging, hate-filled mob of humans wielding pitchforks and actively-lit torches—and also screaming derogatory and insulting phrases—were charging at a high speed straight through the foliage in ruthless pursuit of a target, completely oblivious to the environment around them.

"GET THAT BLOODSUCKER!" a grizzled man with graying facial hair yelled from near the front of the crowd. "THERE AIN'T NO ROOM IN OUR TOWN FOR PEOPLE LIKE HIM!"

"Oi! Damn straight, there's not!" another woman agreed, reeling her right hand back and preparing to throw her pitchfork like a javelin at their attempted victim. "Let's give him a piece of our minds, yeah?!"

She let out a slight grunt of effort as she loosed the pitchfork from her right hand's grip before watching it soar across the length of its trajectory.....and narrowly missing its—and the mob's—target: a male vampire with a sleek black suit, a dark wrap-around cape, slick black hair, very pale skin, a pair of white fangs, slight dark circles below both of his eyes, and shimmering golden highlights on both his face and his outfit.

The vampire, known as Prince Boripedes, was totally unarmed, and doing nothing to actively fight back against the mob's hostility towards him; rather, he kept running like his life depended on it.....because it did.

He didn't dare look back, lest he risk losing his footing and falling to the band of savages at his heels. However, he knew that if he kept up his pace for just a little while longer, he would be safe.

He was only a few minutes away from the majestic isolated settlement called the Vermillion Enclave, a long-established sanctuary for vampires like him, which had first been envisioned by his older brother Balfort Ladair about half a century ago. Behind its walls, vampires could live in peace without fear of being beset upon by humans; to this day, their defenses had been impenetrable to even the hardiest assaults, and no one—at least, no one whom the vampires allowed to—was able to enter its boundaries.

He had made the grave mistake of letting his optimism get to him at a time when humanity's hatred for vampires was at an all-time high. He at first thought to start slow, making contact with a single one before eventually expanding to more. However, one misunderstanding led to another, and ultimately, he was framed for the murder of a completely innocent none other than the real culprit, who had done the deed themselves and pinned it on Boripedes out of pure prejudice.

His heart pounded within his chest, and his panting became more pronounced and frequent. His vision was blurring, and the oncoming fatigue threatened to overcome him completely.....but Boripedes would not allow it. He frantically dodged over, under, and to the sides of various obstructions within the forest around him, from fallen trees to poorly-placed rocks, while expertly dodging all of the flung pitchforks and torch embers.

Finding a brief surge of energy, Boripedes vaulted upwards and swung across a horizontal tree branch to clear a decently wide ditch as he came up on it.....only for the humans to also clear it as well with uncanny prowess, something that unnerved Boripedes greatly. Desperately, he kicked aside a small rock to his left as he passed it, causing a violent rockslide behind him which he hoped would non-lethally separate him from the encroaching mob.

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